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Nikolai last won the day on January 22

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  1. I've sent another inquiry on my never-ending support ticket from last year where I reply every couple of months asking for status. Last replies have been like yours, we'll see how it goes this time.
  2. This update somehow confirms the suspicion that Pro1 upgraders have been completely forgotten.
  3. I still remember something about us being a priority over IGG backers... Don't know whether they said that anymore.
  4. OK, 3/4 of backers, but what about people who ordered from the website and got upgraded to Pro1x? Do they get a survey too?
  5. Maybe there is a January update coming up, which Francisco thought has been already published.
  6. I've received this today from Francisco, on my request about updates: I don't know how I was supposed to know shipping resumed in any fashion, but, indeed, they do sometimes reply to mails.
  7. f(x)tec is an unlucky company. Just when their DeckHD got a bit of exposure and somewhat good reviews, Valve went and announced OLED SteamDecks today with a 90Hz display. Same resolution, but considering DeckHD required BIOS updates, their sales will probably plummet almost to zero. If my Pro1x with QWERTZ hasn't been produced yet, the little hope I had about it being cross-financed by DeckHD is now dead too.
  8. Hey @Casey, do you have any estimates for people who ordered a Pro1 on the website all these years ago? After all, we are buyers, not backers, so technically we don't even get Indiegogo updates.
  9. The trick is not to film it in real-time. An one-hour-broadcast would be thrilling 😄
  10. Honestly, I'm not in a hurry. The phone has been ordered through my employer, it's officially has been "in use" for four years now, so from my employer's POV it's completely amortized now and I can get a new one anytime. I'm just interested to see how it ends now.
  11. I've mailed on 15th and the reply came on 22nd of August, the previous interaction has been at the beginning of May (just looked it up, the answer has indeed *not* been swift then, it took two weeks).
  12. A couple of months ago, I've contacted fxtec's support to ask them where my phone is in terms of sending queue position or similar. The answer came swiftly with something along the lines of "we don't know that and wouldn't tell you if we did". Recently, I've emailed them again, citing my legal expectation of a website order (in November 2019!) to result in either a phone or a refund. The answer came about a week later, telling me they have changed warehouses (completely?) and there would be some news *very soon* (tm). So nothing we haven't heard so far, not really news, make of it what you wan
  13. Is it OK to vent a bit? I'm following the discussion on IGG and as I'm one of those who ordered the original Pro1 via the website, I can't comment there, but some takes on that forum are borderline stupid. For one, most people there seem to forget that there are substantial outstanding Pro1 orders which still need to be fullfilled and which for the most part haven't been part of crowdfunding. If anything, these people (including myself) would have a right to sue anyone, not the IGG gang (crowdfunding = risk) In other news, fxtec doesn't seem to be going out of business for now, sinc
  14. Last update on Indiegogo has been on the 17th of April, aren't they supposed to update at least once a month? If so, I suppose we are due an update tomorrow.
  15. Good for you! For the record: mine is still "Processing", having ordered November 2019. However, like said before, QWERTZ phones do not seem to enjoy any kind of priority, either before nor now.
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