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  1. Hello everyone, As times are very tough in the US right now, I requested a refund on March 17th, 2023 for the Pro 1X that I purchased from the website and not Indiegogo. There have been several back and forth emails with Francisco at Fxtec requesting exact information because my order number and link to the purchase on their website was not enough for them. I have now sent screenshots of my order on their website and am sadly considering going to the Better Business Bureau as well as HM Courts and Tribunals Service. I bought the Pro 1x in good faith and am not seeing that in ret
  2. Thanks! I am in the US, in Florida. Is that where the issues are? The US? I know Volla had issues in the US.
  3. Thanks Hook. I ordered last April, almost a year now - so it looks like I will have a very long way to go...
  4. Hello everyone, I haven't been here for a while and now that I have read the last few pages, I am thoroughly disappointed. I ordered from the website and the last time I contacted them, they said mine would ship after the backer orders were fulfilled. So where do we stand? Has everyone asked for a refund or are there still a few that are waiting? As a website order, I should be able to get a refund, albeit a slow one. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
  5. Thanks so much for your response! That actually gives me a very good idea. I just bought a Unihertz Titan and it is a breeze to type on for me and it's keys are approx 7 wide by 6 high...depending on the key. I have medium sized hands so my fingers' are crossed on the width of the phone. I think I will be just find with it, but you are right - not until I get it in my hands, will I really know. Thanks again.
  6. Let us know for sure - I emailed them as soon as we found out and I haven't heard a word.
  7. Hi everyone, Still waiting for mine but in the meantime, may I ask, anyone that has received their Pro1X, would you please measure the height and width in mm of a key on the keyboard for me please. I want to get a good idea of whether or not I will like typing on it. If it is too small, I will probably just sell it. Thanks so much!
  8. Great point- I need to compare them. Going to do that now...Thanks
  9. lol..., it wasn't the number left that got me to buy - it was the price difference on Indiegogo as compared to the website. Money is always a big factor for me.
  10. I bought it for about $300 - $400.00 less than on the website so as long as I get it - eventually - I am good.
  11. Actually, they must have updated things - there were 3 left before I bought it and 2 left after I bought it. I checked. Maybe it is a different run? I see they started shipping already. I think only Germany and Korea are left and scheduled for next week, I believe. I like the mechanical keys and it is just a tad bigger than the Pro 1x - just under 3/4". I also like that the screen slides completely away from the keyboard. Of course, can't really tell which one I will like better until I get them both in my hands.
  12. Just bought the Astro Slide 5g - curious to see which one hits my front door first... (only two left at the Indiegogo price of $586. - I made it just in time...
  13. Yep. That is exactly why I stopped buying Samsung. They became tall and skinny which totally threw off the balance of the phone when typing. Then there was all that bloat and programs you can't delete (Google). So here I am, awaiting my freedom from all that.
  14. Haha, YAY... OH... YAY... OH... YAY... OH... lol. My hopes are high but my fingers are crossed that this one will be followed through. Thanks for posting!
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