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  1. How can i get a refund? Does anyone has a contact from this company? I've placed an order in January and still nothing. I will contact my solicitor even it costs more than the phone itself. It's a principle think. How can this scamers are still scamming? Any help will be appreciated Thanks
  2. Does anyone knows how long does it take to receive a phone ordered on January on fxtech.com website? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  3. ovi

    Payment method Issues

    This is not an international bank transfer. It is a domestic one(UK UK). As you see, I've been used your name, account number and the sort code. Not your IBAN. Apart of that, I personally own a metro bank plc UK account as well. The transfers are instant between the account I've been using to pay you and my personal metro uk account. Amount £654.28 Reference Order no 66097 External reference MODULO00P210F7G04V1020230110826040075 Maybe it helps Thank you
  4. ovi

    Payment method Issues

    Yes, I've bought directly from fxtec. According to their website, they've started the delivery in December. I hope will be soon...never heard about expansys before. I just hope someone form fxtec will give me an update. I'll keep you posted
  5. ovi

    Payment method Issues

    Please find the attached print screens "Order #66097 was placed on January 10, 2023 and is currently On hold."
  6. ovi

    Payment method Issues

    Bank to bank transfer, in their Metro Bank account( ending in 4034). As a reference, I've been used the order number. As I've told before, credit card doesn't work.
  7. Hi, You have some issues with your payment method (stripe- credit card payment). I've placed an order yesterday, and I get a "try again later" error. I've managed to pay using bank transfer, but my order is still on hold. How long does it take to get an update? My order number is 66097. Thanks a lot Ov
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