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QWERTZ - other european layouts than German

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QWERTZ layout is used around central EU and Germany. I have some questions about it. I'm from Hungary and we use some unique characters like "á, é, í, ó, ö, ő, ü, ű" . Generally, those with long accents cannot be described with a german QWERTZ. Gemini's PDA has HUN layout. Do you plan to do it too? I've already ordered a device. So if yes, is it possible to request such a keyboard layout? If now or nowadays it's unavailable, will we be able to change keyboard "vinyl" in the future? (Then the warranty remains?)


Thank you!

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Oh you can do most of those with the German qwertZ as is, though I do not think ő, ű are included. (for other readers, these are NOT ö, ü, though hard to see in this font size). But I'm sure a software fix can be found for that, adding those somewhere.


They are considering a common layout for Scandinavian languages. I have no idea if there are enough (potential) buyers for other qwertZ using languages to make up for a dedicated print, but let us see the reactions your post generates.


They made a form for requesting qwertZ if you already placed a qwertY order: https://www.fxtec.com/request-qwertz/

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I have changed the layout to German QWERTZ because the primary QWERTY keyboard of Pro1 is shifted and I think it is highly problematic if one would like to use another layout(s).


In my old N900, I could use conveniently every Hungarian characters by using my own keymap, so I really hope a similar way of defining an own character mapping is also exists in Android system.

If so, I will do my own sooner or later...


So, I think a German QWERTZ keyboard is a much better starting point than the original shifted US version, however, I would choose that if it would be non-shifted as the two layouts I use are Hungarian and US and that way at least one of my keymaps would be printed on the keys.

This way it isn't really (I also prefer Y to be the same position like in the US keyboard).

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There was a keyboard application for Android that worked for example, when I pressed 'u', I got 'u'. However, if I typed quickly twice, I got the letter 'ü' and if I pressed it three times, it became 'ű'. Unfortunately, I do not know what was the name of the application. It may be unavailable.

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