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Got my Pro1, any ideas on root access?

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11 minutes ago, mcdinner said:

Injecting Magisk is a way to do it, but I have never tried it.

I also have never tried such, neither do I understand how TWRP install via script would be done. We need a good wizard to help us TWRP/root i believe :D. Help!

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4 minutes ago, netman said:

You absolute winner! 😄 I will award you now the official gray wizard beard and please tell us how you did it :). The injection worked?

Yes I copied the boot.img from the factory restore thread to my SD card, then did the "Patch file" install from Magisk Manager. It created magisk_patched.img. I copied that back to the pc, and ran "fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img". There was no need for TWRP to be installed. It is a shame because I would have liked an unrooted and rooted stock backup for easy restore.

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3 minutes ago, Linkandzelda said:

Yes I copied the boot.img from the factory restore thread to my SD card, then did the "Patch file" install from Magisk Manager. It created magisk_patched.img. I copied that back to the pc, and ran "fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img". There was no need for TWRP to be installed. It is a shame because I would have liked an unrooted and rooted stock backup for easy restore.

We will get TWRP eventually I am sure :). Edit: and by eventually I mean probably pretty soon.

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So the article mcdinner linked a page back says that the patched boot image method "allows you to easily take OTA updates on your rooted Android device" while other sources said you should uninstall Magisk before OTA updates or else you'd softbrick your device. Which is it now?
I welcome any volunteers for testing this. 🙃

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