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Force Landscape with Keyboard Open Bug

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Was cluttering up my feature request threads talking about this other already existing buggy feature so thought the bug deserved its own discussion thread.

For those not familiar, Pro¹ has a feature to force landscape when keyboard is open.  However, this doesn't work for all apps, an example is Discord.   These apps will only rotate when auto-rotation is enabled in device settings.

I proposed a feature to only permit selected orientations (similar to CM/LOS), but to me that feature request should be considered completely independent from the keyboard related bug, cuz even if they fix whatever makes some apps not rotate when keyboard open, I still want to control permitted orientations, as I do usually leave  autorotate on anyway.  So this bug doesnt matter much in my use case anyway, but for some it might.



I use it with Autoratate OFF. Note here that when you rotate closed you get a small rotation icon in the tray when you click that, it rotates anyway.

There might be apps not supporting it, but it seems standard android, so an app issue.   [END QUOTE HERE] [/QUOTE]


I don't see any small rotation icon.  For example, some screenshots of discord with keyboard open

autorotate off:




autorotate on:



Edited by Craig
I give up on tryiing to format this right
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30 minutes ago, itsdevilslettuce said:

woah hey I’m famous!! 😂

But on a serious note there is an app or possibly a few apps available for rooted android devices that can force landscape and lock the app in that orientation. 

Yeah, I just took screenshot of whatever was on discord at the time I took;. 

I think you're right, there are tools and ways to customize yourself, and LIneage can do all of this anyway (at least on PQ, havent yet tried on Pro¹), but these are features that I think should be baked into stock.  It will make it a better keyboard device for everyone, including those who don't customize and do reviews , if they fix this feature and implement the others I requested 😉  At least that's my opinion.

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47 minutes ago, abielins said:

I can't think of any reason why you would ever want the keyboard open and still have the phone in portrait mode.

I can!  When I was taking screenshots of keyboard settings, I wanted the big long list in portrait because landscape didn't display as much, and since I'm not great at opening the keyboard if I were to close it and let and rotate, I instead just toggled off the landscape lock feature in slider settings.  The exact feature that doesn't work 100% when enabled (but can be avoided by turning on auto-rotation) that this thread is about in fact 🙂

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1 hour ago, abielins said:

So you want to sometimes force portrait mode because it's difficult to open the keyboard?

Well, I wouldn't mind if that were possible.  But that's not what I'm suggesting the bug is.  The bug is that some apps don't switch to landscape when the slider setting to force landscape is turned on.

On the other hand, with CM/LOS I think I recall being able to force landscape, force portrait, or set to auto-rotate, all from quicksettings, so its not unthinkable.  But no, I don't personally need that, I just turned off the force landscape setting, turned the phone, took my screenshot, then turned it back on.  Of course if I'd been on my PQ I'd just close it, take the screenshot, then open it, without a second thought, cuz no effort involved.


Edited by Craig
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