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Finance or contract within the UK?

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8 minutes ago, gazpitchy92 said:

clove.co.uk did state they had these in stock, but they have now discontinued selling them, which is confusing.

It may happen they will have stock later, also you may check dragonbox.de which may also have some stock units later (I think).
Currently none of them has stock as it seems F(x)tec is still fulfilling pre-orders which I hope should be done soon.

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3 hours ago, internationaltraitor said:

here in the states, financing and contract come with carrier locked phones.  this phone is sold only unlocked, i don't know how it is in europe if you can finance without a carrier. 

In principle the same with Danish carriers, though it is not that uncommon that the delivered phone is not actually locked. You are obviously still bound to pay the carrier for the agreed period and price. So in reality it is instalment pay with the discount on the plan not the phone.

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2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

In principle the same with Danish carriers, though it is not that uncommon that the delivered phone is not actually locked. You are obviously still bound to pay the carrier for the agreed period and price. So in reality it is instalment pay with the discount on the plan not the phone.

In Hungary, it also started being not that uncommon to buy unlocked phones from service provider.
When I have bought another phone while I was waiting for Pro1 (almost two years ago), I have ordered a phone from a local carrier and I chose a Moto G6 which had two SIM-card capability and stated to be not locked to provider (it would has been interesting for a two-SIM capable phone anyway).

There were other phones which were unlocked - I am unsure but if I remember well, I heard they not really sell locked phones any longer in these days...

In the past, phones were expensive and service providers covered some part of its price to let you use their network.
However, they did not want you to use another network, thus, they locked the phone.
...but now the price difference  between a phone at the service provider and 3rd-party places are minor or practically zero and if there is, it is covered by the contract itself.

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