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IndieGoGo purchase warranty

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Do Pro1 X purchased from IndieGoGo come with normal warranty? Just asking cause apparently IndieGoGo is not shopping but rather just sponsoring a project and company. Moreover Pro1s are not exactly known for their quality so purchasing one without warranty is probably not a smart move.

I'm afraid the answer could be that you don't have any warranty on perks. Perks are just perks, you sponsor the project and hope for the best with your perk without any warranty. I'm concerned FxTec is going through IGG cause they have too many warranty claims and can't afford to deal with them anymore.

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1 hour ago, Slion said:

Do Pro1 X purchased from IndieGoGo come with normal warranty?

They /F(x)tec/ wrote this at IGG page:
"The Pro1-X comes with a 2 year warranty & this covers any manufacturing and software related defects. Devices that have been physically modified are not covered by the warranty."

However, as far as I know, Indiegogo does not provide or expect any warranty from campaigners.

Anyway, I don't think warranty problems are the reason but they may wanted to gain some attention and sell some more devices which may gain some profit. Also, currently the Pro1 is in a state software-wise where it is starting to be useful for regular users.

As of warranty issues, I really hope it is not a huge problem but a minority.

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IGG has nothing to do with warranties. They guarantee nothing, including whether the device/perk gets made or gets delivered.

F(x)Tec has clearly stated each Pro1x will have the same 2 year warranty as the Pro1. 

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