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Do you prefer waiting longer for a better SoC or less for inferior?

What do you prefer? Better SoC or less waiting?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather wait 9 months for a redesigned (PRO²?) fxtec phone with a better SoC or can you only wait 5 months?

    • 9-10 months for better SoC (Maybe SD 720G)
    • 5 months but worse SoC (SD662)
    • I rather a refund
    • Other option (clarify below)

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Qualcomm F(x)tec supplier has turned their back to F(x)tec and with a complete F*ck you, even after having fully promised to deliver and having been paid. Yeah, you can't make that **** up.

So, we are left with 2 major choices with which F(x)tec has already tried to choose from. I wish we were consulted as a community first but I guess, when under stress, people make mistakes. Specially such newcomers into this business.

  1. Redesign of PRO¹ (possibly into PRO²) and use a much more recent SoC as powerful or more powerful than SD 835 (9 months delay)
  2. Slight redesign of PRO¹ to accommodate SD662 and get the phone earlier (5 months delay)

See announcement here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/14443522

Given our situation, I ask the community wether they prefer to wait longer, until the end of 2021 or very early 2022 for a better product (which will require significant work and considerable silence periods from F(x)tec's part!) or to get an inferior product but almost guaranteed on August/September?

Vote! Show them your POV on it.

Edit: According to F(x)tec, Legal proceedings are in place. Hopefully, the performance loss is actually minimal. It's possible the supplier doesn't have viable alternatives for F(x)tec as they had to change suppliers.

See: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control/x/14443522#/comments?id=9520046


Apparently, there's not enough money to go with an alternate SoC. You can see that in the f(x)tec answers . You may also check DillonM's post.

Edited by brunoais
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