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Custom unshifted QWERTY keyboard

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As I needed the Russian layout in my Pro1 I ordered QWERTZ phone that could be transformed more easily.
Unfortunately, after more than a year of waiting for my delivery, they gave me shifted-QWERTY one 🤦‍♂️

Now it's been half a year since I use my Pro 1 without keyboard cause it is completely unsuitable for me to shift Russian layout. 
And just wearing this heavy brick in my pocket not using its most important feature...

So finally I decided to try to unshift QWERTY back to its normal place.


As I can see this will require solving two problems:

1. I need to move keyboard layout back with redefinition of these .kl and .kcm files.

On 1/8/2020 at 1:32 PM, EskeRahn said:
  • /system/usr/keylayout and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kl
  • /system/usr/keychars  and I think vendor_181d_product_5018_version_0001.kcm

2. I need to reprint physical keyboard. 

Again, I see two ways:

  • to try to paint over a stock characters and then to engrave new ones
  • make 3D-scan of keyboard, to print new one with transparent plastic, to paint over it with black base and then to engrave all the characters

Has anyone tried to do something similar or it is completely unrealizable?..

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My guess would be that it would give a better result to polish of the black paint (and most likely that would remove the white and the yellow squares too), and then paint all white, and then with a mask for letters and symbols paint all the rest black.

On the software side, you should definitely have a look at FinQWERTY, that is open source, and see how he maps things.

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On 3/13/2021 at 12:49 PM, Chibz said:

Has anyone tried to do something similar or it is completely unrealizable?..

I'm in on the same track, I want to have a Swedish keyboard, optimized for Linux CLI

my first idea was to disassemble the keyboard and move around the keys a bit. and maybe do a silicone mold for make some new keys in suitable resin. 

then print the "key caps" with a laser printer on a water transfer film.   





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5 hours ago, pebert said:

my first idea was to disassemble the keyboard and move around the keys a bit. and maybe do a silicone mold for make some new keys in suitable resin. 

I'm almost certain the hard keytops are not loose on the rubber(?) mat, so I doubt detataching and rearranging would be easy.

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