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new address fxtec for delivery - done

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If you are returning a Pro1 for warranty repair, I assume you have been in contact with them by email.  They will have provided the correct  address in their email instructing you to send the Pro1 in.

If you haven't been in contact with them, you shouldn't just send it in.

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18 hours ago, Hook said:

If you are returning a Pro1 for warranty repair, I assume you have been in contact with them by email.  They will have provided the correct  address in their email instructing you to send the Pro1 in.

If you haven't been in contact with them, you shouldn't just send it in.

18 hours ago, Hook said:

If you are returning a Pro1 for warranty repair, I assume you have been in contact with them by email.  They will have provided the correct  address in their email instructing you to send the Pro1 in.

If you haven't been in contact with them, you shouldn't just send it in.

yes before I send request but sent me old address and now i write on support but still waiting on respond so I thinked anybody know new address for delivery because company delivery wait on my respond

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