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complaint problem, how long?

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On 5/28/2022 at 1:46 AM, EskeRahn said:

I'm amazed by their perseverance too. The small group take a lot of beating from angry users, and way too little praise, IMHO
I really hope they will continue to both produce PKB phones and support them.
If there will not be a successor I hope they will consider crowdfunding extended phone-support as long as possible for the chipset and security update. .
I have no idea what a year of support / minor development would cost, but they could come up with a number and see if we are enough that are willing to chip in. As a stretch goal they could offer those that chipped in  some special rate for service beyond warranty e.g. starting from half a year after we paid.
Personally I would gladly pay e.g. $50 a year. If it was not only security and critcal fixes, but also more general bugfixes and improvements, I might consider a higher number.

As long as you still buy shiploads of phones from them, they should do alright 😄
But I am in the same boat, I am currently thinking about getting a 1X once it is released to replace my pro1.

I would happily pay for ensuring progress too, but for that they would need to be a lot more transparent.
What I mean is, if we would know, that they do a pro2 if they sell N more pro1x's, and N is a realistic number, I would order one today.
If the 50 bucks a year does not only pay for a few updates, but would make them able to sustain, no problem. On the other hand, if it does not really float the boat, I see not much sense in it. Don't get me wrong, I personally would probably still do it and I would not begrudge them the money anyway, but it would be a different consideration.

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hi new update
phone comed but after turn on microphone and speaker not working.
I had new parts but phone not working maybe was repair team bad composed new parts i do not know...
so I wrote on support and already had quickly answer and they send me new parts flex cabel and usb part. 
After change this parts phone working. So little with problem but on finish with good solution for me...

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