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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2020 in Posts

  1. Hello, I must say, wifi and data connectivity feel better since I disabled NFC in my parameters. The phone was always lost when switching data/wifi networks. I saw always a problem with NFC (using #sudo dmesg), and I never used NFC. If it can help anyone...and thanks for the good work with LOS, there are some issues with ghostering keys who suddenly appears when typing, and keyboard who is lost sometimes when typing message (when I use Alt or Sym) but for my normal daily use it's ok.
    4 points
  2. Lineage does not do verity (checksum) on /system or /vendor. It can't, if it is to allow addons like gapps and su. If you want to investigate why your modifications aren't working, the first step is to get a logcat.
    1 point
  3. Because there is no separate recovery partition, recovery lives in the boot partition and gets updated with every ota.
    1 point
  4. Today I took the time to flash Lineage OS , following the instructions at https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/install . My Pro1 has physical qwertz keyboard layout and I prefer German as system language. So i did the following steps (sorry for writing german setting names here): "Einstellungen" --> "System" --> "Sprachen & Eingabe" --> "Physische Tastatur" -> "Builtin Keyboard" -> "Tastaturlayout wählen" + "einrichten": Checked Deutsch (Android Tastatur). Still no change: Most keys seem to be "shifted" , i.e. pressing "f" then a "d" is printed . Af
    1 point
  5. So here's an update on Verizon. Service works again. There appears to be a local outage that that is rolling around sporadically. I'm going to chalk this up to the extreme weather out west.
    0 points
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