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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Indeed. Splitting sticks: On indiegogo (like any other crowdfunding) we do not "purchase" an item, we make an "investment" and hope to get the perk we selected in return. But like buying shares (where we hope to be able to sell it later with a profit), there are no guarantees. The risk we take is why the price of a perk is usually substantially lower than doing a (pre)order on the same item.
    2 points
  2. Hi, don't worry too much. For some reason fxtec uses the dumbest support system on the planet. The support tickets form a queue and they process the oldest tickets first. The problem is every time you reply this updates the ticket and thus your ticket is now the newest ticket in the system. So very unintuitively your best bet to get a reply is to send an email and the wait patiently (several weeks, usually) without sending anything else in that email thread. Otherwise you're just bumping yourself to the back of the queue every time and support will never even see you ticket.
    2 points
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