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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2022 in Posts

  1. Hahaha! I an not ranting... But people have mentioned that they have been waiting a long time. I am late to this as I came in about two months after the February release date so I am not stressed about it just saddened that it has been pushed back a few times since I ordered.
    1 point
  2. Seven days ago they wrote: So why do you find it crazy that they have not updated after one week ? ADD: Guessing here, I assume that they await some signing key with the official approval, as this would prevent them from flashing signed images before they get the key. Could also be a pure legal thing that they got the key, but are not allowed to flash using it before they get the paperworks on it.
    1 point
  3. Some good news! I just received an email saying that they now have parts for repair, as well as Pro1X mass production which will be shipping next month. They've confirmed that they will repair my device, including the display, and will be sending it back to me soon. So a very long delay, but I feel that they went the extra mile now to make up for it (repairing damage outside of what was strictly covered by the warranty).
    1 point
  4. I'm amazed by their perseverance too. The small group take a lot of beating from angry users, and way too little praise, IMHO I really hope they will continue to both produce PKB phones and support them. If there will not be a successor I hope they will consider crowdfunding extended phone-support as long as possible for the chipset and security update. . I have no idea what a year of support / minor development would cost, but they could come up with a number and see if we are enough that are willing to chip in. As a stretch goal they could offer those that chipped in some special rate
    1 point
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