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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2023 in all areas

  1. I find it remarkable how well Fairphone (Netherlands) is doing, though, with their manufacturing also being in China, plus them seemingly even taking care to secure proper salaries and working conditions in that Chinese factory. Perhaps Fxtec could learn a bit from them. (I'd even pay more for a "fair" Pro1/Pro1X than the original ones did cost, by the way, even if it would still just have mid-range specs, just like many people are willing to pay significantly more for a Fairphone than they'd have to pay for a regular phone of similar specs.)
    1 point
  2. So I've taken my phone apart, and it's been pretty disastrous. The only good news is that my battery still holds a lot of charge, the multimeter reported a voltage of 4.13v. The problems started when I tried to reassemble it. The connector for the fingerprint sensor is rage-inducing to snap back on, and after 40 mins I though I finally succeeded when I realised I broke off the ribbon cable. So no more fingerprint sensor. 😠 While doing so, some small piece of rubber seems to have fallen off, and I can't figure out where it goes after scouring the inside of the phone, the case, and F
    0 points
  3. That seller has the same "black spots" disclaimer, unfortunately.
    0 points
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