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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. If there were no other typing friendly alternatives whatsoever, like the cheap Titan Slim or one of the expensive new folders if must be, Fairphone would definitely be where I'd go. Five years warranty and software updates alone would be a strong reason to support them... For an older phone, they even did their security updates themselves after the chip manufacturer stopped delivering them.
  2. I have no luck with smartphones... My Magic V2 has developed black spots in two of the the large screen's corners, I am in contact with support and now in the process of backing up before resetting the phone. Reverted to the Titan Slim that I already had had plans to put on ebay, given that it's still in good cosmetic shape – good that I didn't. Slightly surprised to find that the Titan's limited physical keyboard (which I had a lot of complaints about while I was using it) immediately feels a lot better than the Honor's on-screen keyboard...
  3. Thing is, though, if I remember correctly, the secondary camera in the Pro1 only ever worked (if at all) to support the primary one. There was no way to actually switch to the secondary camera in any app. I never really knew what it was good for. Overall, the Pro1X' camera hardware definitely was (is) the better one, even if maybe just slightly.
  4. They answered: "Website Orders will be dispatched at a later date."
  5. I've asked them whether their restarted shippings will include my upgraded Sept 2019 Pro1 website order, too. When I asked them about the state of affairs in March, their repsonse was quick ("currently confirming user's addresses in order to resume further shipping so be sure to update yours").
  6. FWIW, I remember when I was still using the Pro1 that was what LOS 18.1 told me when the internal camera cable had come loose after the phone had taken a hit or drop. (Which could always be fixed by applying sufficient pressure to the phone's back in the right place to reattach the cable.)
  7. Correct; but that's only because our small manufacturer didn't think properly about the consequences of providing an unlocked bootloader by default. I think later batches were supposed to come with locked bootloader again. With LineageOS, I think you just need root by Magisk and some Magisk add-ons to gain SafetyNet attestation for your device. If I remember correctly, that also requires an "official" LineageOS build for the specific device. Also, even then there still may be some apps which refuse to work because they somehow detect that the phone is not running on its official ROM. P
  8. In addition to what @EskeRahn said, you might want to have a look at the official "Pro1-X OEM Lock - User Manual"... ... and perhaps, in case of problems, this thread:
  9. From what has been discovered only fairly recently by @claude0001, it seems that there might be a hardware related issue at the core of those connectivity problems, so firmware wouldn't help.
  10. If I remember correctly, I had problems with getting full Google attestation on my Pro1X (stock, no root) because it came with the bootloader unlocked and I forgot to lock it before setting everything up. As most if what I wanted to do (except for the ubiquitous hardware related problems with connectivity), I never bothered, but I suppose it would have done the trick.
  11. Yes, they are reliable for delivery. Not great on after purchase support like OS updates and such, but they will deliver your phone. That's what I'd say, too, after a few months with the Titan Slim. Also, for what it is, it worked well enough. If you were happy with the Key2, you might also be good with the SIlm, even though it's much more plasticky than what I've seen from BlackBerry. (In the end, I found both the portrait mode keyboard and the screen too small for my tastes, which made me try the 5+ times more expensive Honor Magic V2 foldable phone, which seems to do it for me, e
  12. Is it just my browser, or has the forum become public again? For some reason, my default browser had lost all its cookies, which logged me out of all websites, but https://community.fxtec.com right now showed me the complete original start page with all the latest "topics" before I logged in again.
  13. Just for the record, their linxdot forums have also turned private, with no option to join. There seems to be a Discord channel, though, which can be entered.
  14. Oh, I missed the question...! There is a fairly easy way to statically add kcm files with the need to build and install a new apk after adding – not dynamically, though. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3848-pro1-x-us-and-us-intl-with-dead-keys-keyboard-layouts-finqwerty/?tab=comments#comment-65908 I cloned FinQwerty, I think I modified pro1x_qwerty_usa_1.kcm because it had a bug, then I created a new kcm file pro1x_qwerty_usaintl_1.kcm (to use myself), added entries for the latter in generate_layouts.py and in the finqwerty_layouts.xml and built a new apk (using IntelliJ IDEA
  15. From what I remember, I think it isn't, because there are Android limitations that forbid it.
  16. I thought I should add here what I already mentioned somewhere else; those NetDot magnetic connectors/connector cables didn't prevent my Pro1's USB socket from failing. (Happened some time ago, even before I got my Pro1X; I replaced it successfully with a spare USB board from Fxtec, but I broke other things in the progress, like fingerprint reader, one of the volume buttons and the orientation sensor/switch.) My suspicion is that any cable or adapter that doesn't sit tightly and still has some play when inserted will, at some point, break the socket. As most of my other USB C devices nev
  17. I don't really know, but I would assume that normal orders are included in that 3/4. Just for the record, my outstanding device is a website order, but for quite some time now I'm getting their Indiegogo updates by e-mail. (I used to get them earlier for a second – IGG – order, but initially they stopped coming after that phone was actually delivered.)
  18. Is there still nothing comparable to FinQwerty that would work on LineageOS? I dimly remember that while my keyboard demands were mostly satisfied on my QWERTY Pro1 with LOS 18, there were a few apps (most notably Opera, my preferred browser) which never showed the accented character selector box at all; long key presses triggered character repetition instead. On my QWERTY Pro1 X, I had been staying with stock Android, plus a modified version of FinQwerty that gave me everything I needed. I don't quite remember where exactly the problems were located with LineageOS and FinQwert
  19. Maybe... it was a special area even when Moto Mod has appeared and still there is demand but very small compared to the phone market. However, there are tablets which may also have lower demand today, but current hype of foldable phones also contain a not always portrait use scenario. In my first few days with the Honor Magic V2 foldable I've got a hint of an impression that this new phone type may have become a new incentive for app developers to care more for non-portrait orientation use of their apps, even if it's just square-ish, which could, best case, also help landscape or
  20. I agree to much of what you say, it's a mostly correct summary of what has happened. In terms of obstacles, the pandemic and the following major supply chain breakdown could have been added. But when it comes to the morals of the company - sorry, there is no morality in a market economy. Of course I would like to get either the overdue phone or my money back. As it is, It is a miracle that they still exist, even if what still exists is very little. The alternative in the shape of a more ethical behaviour towards individual customers, the alternative to the status quo, meaning a few d
  21. In principle, that would have been a good idea, but then again they never were shipped, as far as I can see... At least I never got the spare battery I ordered with the Pro1X I backed on Indiegogo.
  22. Yes, I agree. The fact that their communication was inadequate and erratic even in the best phases runs through the company's history. All we know is that sometimes someone will still answer questions directed to their support (which must clearly be read as noncommital even if they seem to promise something to happen "in one or two weeks" or something like that).
  23. Of course it could be subterfuge, and such an assumption is perfectly understandable after all that's happened. But it could also be true. They don't have personnel in China available 24x7 for them to handle their shipments. I suppose the real fees for them are per batch shipped. So, with their financial capacity seemingly reduced to near zero, they need to ultimately reduce the number of batches in which they get shipped, and they also need to reduce number of undeliverable returns, as any such return will generate more costs. Still, personally, I haven't seen any official calls to "conf
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