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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2023 in Posts

  1. It is not only a matter of not enforcing it, it highly doubt they could enforce it. Just because a company writes something in their TOS doesn't makes it law. I mean the only thing IGG could do is to delete their campaign, which would help no one expect maybe IGG. So the TOS line is worthless. If you want your money back, you would have to follow the laws of the sellers jurisdiction, because that is where the contract is valid. I have no idea what the right steps for the UX are. But you probably have to set them a deadline, then report them to some sort of local authority. Then all the comp
    2 points
  2. Ok, but it is still nonsense. Indiegogo knows just as well as anyone else that when an entrepreneur fails to get the product out in a late stage of their project, there's a strong chance they'll also be broke and *cannot* refund. The problem here is, specifically when compared to, say, Kickstarter, that Indiegogo officially publishes such rules for entrepreneurs and boasts safety and security for backers, while on one hand not enforcing those rules, even where they're enforceable, and on the other hand not being explicit towards backers that there's a real chance they'll lose every cent t
    2 points
  3. I should really ask for my refund too. I did not buy it through IGG so it is owed. I don't think I can do a charge back. I changed my bank since. I'll definitely look into taking legal actions though. If they keep operating then they have cash to pay back. I'll have them go bankrupt if need be. Feeling mean tonight 😁
    1 point
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