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Everything posted by Slion

  1. I have a first gen Pro1 that can do this with Magisk. Was not exactly straight forward to setup though. Also I suppose it may not work for every app out there. It did work for mine.
  2. Smart custom case is now complete after drying overnight. Here are some screenshots next to F(x)tec Pro¹. It's using the same design as this other case with the folding front edge so that it can be used as support when unfolded. Seems to be working just fine so far. However I may make one based on the original Honor case with kick stand and hinge protection. I'll need to up my leather cutting game though. Screenshots are showing an unreleased version of Fulguris with improved foldable support. It is notably enabling rendering around cut-outs and support for specific configurations, inner scree
  3. Been using that case. It's ok if you like PU but I find transparent shells ugly. I also got a couple of plain dark shells for just a few euros each but they are not selling them anymore. Planing to use them for my custom case.
  4. It's the creases in the faux PU leather that get dirty.
  5. I thought Hacker's keyboard was not being maintained. I found Unexpected keyboard interesting too. Which variant did you get? Purple glass or black PU? I would have liked better black glass but it was not an option sadly. The PU is already rather dirty and not looking so good even though I used a case. I'm busy glueing together my custom smart leather bookcase. Should be ready in the morning.
  6. I see, so you had a bad experience yourself, sorry to hear that. Surely your Fold 5 should still be under warranty. But yes, if you break an expensive phone it is hard to digest. I'm hopeful it won't happen to me. The last phone I broke was a Nokia 9210 Communicator. That was about 20 years ago. Split in two after I slammed a car door on it.
  7. A friend of mine has been using one of the first Samsung Fold and it is still going strong after 3 or 4 years.
  8. @CornholioGSMWhat's the problem with it? Works really well here.
  9. Just putting this thread up to discuss that HONOR Magic V2 foldable phone. I got mine from their Hi HONOR web site around the time they launched it in Germany, end of January 2024. It was about €1600 with charger, HONOR Watch 4 and extra bumper case. So far I'm really happy with it, though much like the Pro¹ it looks like I'll have to build my own bookcase for it. Sold the watch on eBay for €70, a lot of people doing the same apparently, never opened the box, it's not running Wear OS Android and saw no reason to keep it since I already use Garmin watches. While I went for th
  10. Virtual keyboard only I'm afraid. I'm just not using physical keyboard anymore anyway since I developed Interface, not even on PC that is. I'm still testing out various keyboards and I found some interesting ones but still mostly using Gboard. Interestingly the default keyboard is SwiftKey by Microsoft. Did not try it much though.
  11. Don't blame me if it does not work for you 😁 It's a really good phone though, not perfect, but good enough. However I wish they would run something closer to stock Android. The most annoying thing is probably their very aggressive power management which keeps killing apps. Honor is basically Huawei without the restriction on selling actual Android with Google apps. AFAICT software is very much the same.
  12. Yeah sounds like another plot to steal money from physical keyboard nostalgics. Though in this case they don't even bother to design hardware that makes sense. That thing is just silly. An ebook reader with keyboard 🤣 seriously I think I've seen it all now.
  13. Next time you talk to them could you kindly remind them their finance department still owes me a Pro¹X refund 😅
  14. Nice trick, seems to be working here too. Google search can also give some results but it looks mostly broken though… I recall it was working much better than that.
  15. Since FxTec can't be trusted to keep that forum running would you guys be wiling to participate if I setup a forum for FxTec related stuff on slions.net? Positive responses does not mean I'll make it happen but it will help me decide. It's been a joy being part of this community, would be nice to keep it going somewhere.
  16. Is it me or the forum is now private and only registered users can access it? That means it is not being indexed by search engines anymore. I was wondering why they have not closed it yet. Making it private does make sense from FxTec point of view as it let people use it without publicly showing off their failings. Though it would be wise to stop using it and move all useful information elsewhere before they decide to pull the plug for good. I'm still due a Pro¹X refund. I'm also contemplating selling at least one of my two Pro¹s. So sad that FxTec could not deliver, upset they robbe
  17. A few month ago I asked for refund, I did receive an email saying they forwarded it to the finance department, nothing since.
  18. I just sent them my refund request. Let's see how that goes.
  19. I should really ask for my refund too. I did not buy it through IGG so it is owed. I don't think I can do a charge back. I changed my bank since. I'll definitely look into taking legal actions though. If they keep operating then they have cash to pay back. I'll have them go bankrupt if need be. Feeling mean tonight 😁
  20. Linxdot looks like a major shitshow too. I have little hope to ever get my cash back, or see my device...
  21. I'm guessing they subcontract much of the Android port like they do the manufacturing, possibly to the same company. As long as money flows I guess you can expect Android updates and new devices coming out of the factory. When the money stops flowing everything runs dry... Hardware and software.
  22. Long spent I figure, I mean they can't afford to pay for shipping and can't refund customers.
  23. Of course they can't keep paying for this when it does not bring any income. They are just trying to cut their losses. They may have a limited stock of devices but I doubt that will be enough to fullfil all the orders.
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