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Posts posted by Erik

  1. Do you know what beta testing form mean?


    Just because I wrote an e-mail on the same day when they sent the initial e-mail about beta testing, but I did not receive any reply or form-like questions…


    Maybe they didn’t even receive my e-mail or it landed directly in spam folder, etc…


    Sorry to hear you haven't received a reply to your message. Our Microsoft Exchange email provider likely blocked the message as all queries are answered from our side. We will implement Zendesk before launch to improve this.


    Speaking of… I accidentally unsubscribed from the newsletter and can’t figure out how to get back in. I’ve sent an e-mail to ask if they could subscribe me again to no avail. Maybe it got marked as spam?

    So I have figured out how to sign up again I think :). I think due to browser issues the popup offering to sign up for the mailing list did not show on my pc, or I am simply blind. Anything much I missed in the last newsletter?


    I believe the subscribe widget doesn't show up any further once closed. You can find an online version of the missed newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/fxtec/heres-the-latest-pro1-news-qwertz-camera-progress.


    In future, you can also resubscribe at https://fxtec.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=adae1356e734fcdec77e6255f&id=9a393a9003.


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