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Posts posted by guest274577

  1. 2 hours ago, Casey said:

    Yes, that's correct. Only for website orders.

    I find it slightly hilarious that you are going to cover import taxes for website orders, that are actually paying customers, and should by all means expect import taxes, and that were never told they would not need to pay import taxes... And the ones that were told they would not need to, despite brexit, and that did not buy a device, but supposedly receive their perks as a token of thanks for investing in the company, will have to pay. 

  2. 6 hours ago, brunoais said:

    Yes. I agree. However, that's what they are reporting to f(x)tec. Who knows what they are REALLY doing. f(x)tec doesn't and they won't share that info with f(x)tec.

    Seeing as fxtec supposedly have (had?) people at the scene (in china), one would suppose their task was to make sure something was happening? 

    One could also mention the fact that they supposedly took 3 months to tell us this, to make sure the information was accurate. Turns out that still, after three months, nothing changed, and information from fxtec is still not accurate.

  3. 4 hours ago, brunoais said:

    You are missing the part that they had to make a new phone when they didn't even want to.

    You also are missing the part that each phone is essentially costing twice because f(x)tec paid for SoCs which they never got. They are still waiting for litigation in China courts.

    Where has this been communicated in an official fxtec channel? All I can see is that the SoC was not available. Chocker, seeing as fxtec new the SoC was going EOL. This, fxtec must have known ahead of time.

    There is also the tiny detail that this doesnt change the fact that they are broke. If they are not, then I am awaiting the shipping notification tomorrow, along with the IGG update letting us know they will stand by their original word that they will pay import taxes for all EU customers. This changed with brexit, but was obviously also something fxtec knew a LONG time ahead of it happening, still they could not care to enlighten their "beloved backers" before it was too late.

  4. @steff

    They know this for sure. I will post some links for you here:

    Without being a legal expert, it looks to me that they are currently in breach of atleast Article 7, Paragraph 3, in your case.

    - GDPR:


    - A list of the Data Protection Agencies of the member states:


    - Since Fxtec reside in UK, here is the UK GDPR:


    - And this is how to report a company in the UK:


    Good luck! I hope they realize that fighting the EU over GDPR is a really bad idea, as large companies like Google, H&M and Brittish Airways, have all been fined in excess of €10.000.000 when they tried. I hope they (fxtec) decide it is not worth it and just help you out, as is your right.


    • Like 1
  5. 37 minutes ago, steff said:

    Then i suggest you make a list, just like i did, but with the positive and motivating signs fxtec send to you.

    I cant wait to see that list, because if there is an actual list, I must have really missed alot.

  6. 18 hours ago, Hook said:

    ...if they are working on it...

    I wonder what money they would use? The only thing they have mentioned is taking money from "other sources of income". But Linxdot seem to be more or less in the same situation as this project, and someone explained to me earlier in this thread that they cant take money from the web3 phone project.

    So, are they collecting empty bottles in dubai parks? Or where are these amounts of money supposed to come from? and even more important, where are money for warehouse storage coming from?

    Is there anything at all from a credible source that suggests they still have the devices and are actively working on shipping them?

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  7. On 8/31/2023 at 12:29 AM, zundappchef said:

     Subsequently, to settle the owed debts, the company would liquidate its assets, including undelivered phones.

    I love how you are talking as if they still, 2,5 months after their latest say-nothing update, have devices molding away in a warehouse in China for some reason. Paying for storage rather than shipping makes absolutely no sense. 

  8. On 8/27/2023 at 6:40 PM, EskeRahn said:

    I bet it is even more complex, as the conversion of the old Pro1 orders to Pro1X most likely are not forseen. Not that this excuses the lacking refunds.

    How does this make things more complicated?

    The remaining Pro1 orders/perks were either converted into Pro1 X pre-orders, which would give them the right to cancel the pre-order for a full refund, or they were converted into a Pro1 X perk, where IndieGoGo Terms of service says they should refund the backers if they cant deliver the product. Which they cant. Right?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Den said:

    The last couple of attempts remain ignored.

    Pretty sure they do not care at this point. If they really were as concerned with their beloved backers and customers as some make them out to be, Im pretty darn sure they would have found a way to ship all those 1000+ Pro1Xs supposedly just sitting in their warehouse/factory wasting away. 

    My personal theory is that the reason they "dont want" to collect more money for shipping fees, is that ones they have shipping money but no devices to ship, they would be in deep sh*t.

  10. 9 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    They certainly are obliged to pay cancelled pre-orders back, but I do not know in what order they are required to serve their obligations.

    Seeing as they are not "obligated" to send our perks (as you yourself, among others, have repeatedly stated), there is no question what takes higher priority.

    What they actually Are obligated to, now that I take another look at the IndieGoGo terms of service, is the following:

    d.  If you have received the Contributions from your Campaign, but are unable to deliver Perks, issue refunds to Contributors.

  11. 17 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    I doubt that "forgot" is the right word here, but certainly very annoying that they do not post an update on IGG on what has been going on since their June-update 2½ months ago....

    You are correct. I should probably have used wordings such as "down prioritized", "postponed" or "did not bother". I mean, if you can afford to develop a new phone in parallell, then you can clearly afford the few bucks that shipment of our devices would cost.

    Unless the truth is that you are no longer in possession of said devices, and therefore, if you wanted to ship, you would need to produce more.

    Either way, something is not adding up with all the stories we have been told.

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  12. https://aspiremagz.com/adrian-li-mow-ching-at-the-forefront-of-the-telecom-industry-with-his-web3-technology-based-phone/




    I guess we all know now why we did not recieve our devices; because Fxtec have been busy "thriving" and building their Web3 phone for the past year, and while they were also busy "prioritizing" and "making a good example", they plainly forgot to ship our perks/orders, and also forgot to update their "beloved backers" and customers about this little misshap.

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