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  1. You know my story. Cancelled my preorder when they Said no Scandi. Now scandi will be available later on. Should I preproder again or wait since I can’t select scandi. Would be so much rasket if we had a scandi option.
  2. Thats was not there when I got mails from them. Then they can’t stop anyone from sharing since they should’t send it in the first place if it wasen’t officiell. It’s a support Mail.
  3. No need to ask fo permission. The info mail is FX official account. Just share it.
  4. They have the right to set the price as they go but consumers will react to It and they will get less buyers. Both wait and pay more is great way scare of customers. Black Friday deal 599 Euro for Scandinavian qwerty. That would boost sale.
  5. Usually the preorders pay more and tech lose market value within months if not weeks. I was among the first pre-orders and now I’m not even in the queue. Why should I pay more to get last in line?
  6. I did pre-order but when I asked I was told no scandi so I cancelled. Then a week later they announce scandi coming up in a few weeks. That could happen. But I won’t pay more for it. If anything we should pay less.
  7. I’m happy to read that hopefully that true. Maybe my cancellation and reason made them to look in the the pool and this thread. Very good news. Maybe I have to place a new order then.
  8. Absolutely, FX needs to sell some phones. So if they would have provided a Scandinavian qwerty you would most likely bought that anyway, but buyers like me that are equally satisfied with a n900 and random high end device will look elsewhere. So it all boils down to why they didn’t provided a Scandinavian qwerty. If it was the cost it hard to argue. If they didn’t provided due to low demand I think they misread the situation.
  9. The north is not that small when it comes to devices like this. The bad part for us is that some people going for qwertz instead of waiting for a real qwerty of the north.
  10. Indeed. Trade-off everywhere l you go. It’s to bad all the Scandinavian users didn’t for a band of users. Thet way we would have the power of the scandi QWERTY. Hopefully pro1 devs relalize the mistake and release a scandi version at some point. Without most buttons where they belong.
  11. Everyone can use QWERTY too. But it’s not as good as a Scandinavian QWERTY like the n900. Qwertz need to be adjusted. Decided to cancel pre-order rather than pay and hope that many people want a dedicated layout for pro1 or potential sequel.
  12. Got the replay from pro1 support. Scandinavian qwerty will not be available. Please make your voice heard about scandi layout for next device so Fx/pro team change that.
  13. https://www.ustream.tv/channel/8wtQe37JPYH think they said that they would start tsking money next week and a first pay first ship schedule and aiming to ship first week in september. Where is that scandi qwerty?
  14. No, I’m not reading anymore due to this random delay. But I like you Eske. You answer always fast. Keep it up.
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