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Everything posted by nidajeny

  1. +1 for swedish layout - option with printed Ä,Å,Ö and no missplaced keys.
  2. I’m not sure I can handle this layout. The Z is completely misplaced :D Would it be possible to add a å instead of or together with ü it might just work. But for now I think I’ll pass and wait for a real layout or FXll.
  3. Signed up with the hopes of different layouts(Swedish) at release. If not I have to concider cancel/park my order or go with what they have.
  4. Is swedish or nortic qwerty planned for this summer or more of a work in progress for the future?
  5. Empty keys might be fine. But I do like the quality feeling from the n900. L followed by Öø, ä with printed keys. Still hope it is possible to solve. But if that isn’t possible I do underand why.
  6. Just here to show my support and make my voice heard. +1 for Swedish layout with ä, å and ö.
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