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Everything posted by matf-kabouik

  1. Whoever stole the truck that was due to deliver the UK warehouse today, please turn yourself in. :<
  2. For Europe, that would be surprising since the second batch was still not there yesterday.
  3. Awesome, thanks for the follow-up! This means the shy tracking numbers for EU second batch should show up by the end of the week, and hopefully delivery next week. Hopefully, because where I am at the moment, there are massive strikes and protests. I'm not against those strikes, I actually believe they are justified, but this means a 48-hour shipping time becomes a 5-10-day shipping time. And one hour without my new toy feels like 5 hours of pain, therefore doing the calculation makes me cry. 😮
  4. Thanks Erik, your reply is really appreciated. Please keep us few EU customers in the second batch informed when the truck drivers knock at your warehouse door!
  5. Any other EU customer with stock assigned in the second batch? The message arrived on Nov. 29th but I don't think it has entered the UK warehouse yet (at least no tracking code yet, though the support thought the phone would likely be delivered before Dec. 10th), I hope the freighter didn't sink on the way to the Southampton port. 😮 On a more serious note, I'm just hoping there is no significant blocker behind this small delay, and that parcels can be shipped to arrive by the end of this week so that I can play all week-end. But my hopes are getting thinner!
  6. It's true that the quality of their service varies from good to bad depending on countries, but they always are a problem in rural areas because they have no warehouses there, as opposed to local Post Offices. Since the vast majority of signed parcels can't be delivered during daytime because clients are at work, having to go to the nearest big city the next day can be frustrating. Especially as it usually is not possible before a first failure to deliver, even when the client knew in advance he/she wouldn't be home (it's also a real waste, ecologically). But to be honest, for my Pro1, I'
  7. Debian chroot was really something I loved on Maemo. On SFOS, the lack of true keyboard made it harder to use. The experience should be much better on the Pro¹ with its specifications. Did you try it on the SFOS port already TheKit? Looking forward to getting a somewhat functional port for PostmarketOS too, since booting it from the SD card makes it a perfect travel computer while not compromising the mobile OS part in internal memory.
  8. Monday, sad day. Now F(x)tec said they expect the carrier with the second batch units to arrive at their UK warehouse "early this week". Today would be perfect to enlighten my Monday. Fingers crossed. :<
  9. Still wondering what Erik meant here, if anyone has any idea, please let me know. I do not mean to put pressure on F(x)tec by asking, I am genuinely trying to understand what is the queue he mentioned, since the question was about EU people who already received the e-mail about stock assignment. This is not a hidden complaint. I fully understand how the second batch could have been shipped to APAC/CA customers already and not to EU customers yet since the corresponding units left China roughly at the same time but may arrive in the regional warehouses at different times, but I am a bit puzz
  10. Thanks for your answer. I might need a clarification: since my unit has been assigned to batch 2 (I got the e-mail) which has already left China, I don't understand the potential queue you mention. Is batch 2 smaller than expected when assignment letters were sent? [Edit: not asking that with a hostile tone at all, sorry if that was confusing.] I agree that things are shaping up nicely, just not sure I understood what are stock assignments.
  11. Thanks Erik. As a EU customer with a unit assigned in the second batch, should I expect getting the tracking number this week?
  12. I was saying that on a light tone. :( If everything goes well and according to the support message shared by VaZso, I might get my tracking number tomorrow; I'd be pretty happy with that.
  13. To be fair, the Moto mod was not discontinued because of Livermorium, but because of Motorola dropping everything.
  14. Everyone knows how you feel. In fact, we're all browsing threads here to refresh them now and then, between two e-mail checks, in the hope that something significant about our Pro¹ shows up at some point. I wonder how much our collective impatience translated into online procrastination negatively contributes to the GDP of our countries. Well, I do not particularly believe GDP should keep increasing continually, so I guess I'll just click on "Home" here, see if one of my threads shows up in bold font.
  15. You guys are cruel. I went doing some stuff for one hour and got that "35+ new replies" notification on my browser when I came back. I was pretty sure that was the sign an official statement had been posted.
  16. For what it's worth, Youyota was not related to Livermorium/F(x)tec. The guy behind Youyota was just a work contact, who got some light on TMO thanks to Liangchen who, at the time, thought the project was going to work just as we did. If I remember correctly, Liangchen actually invested money to help and has lost more than we, end customers, have.
  17. Late to the party and didn't thoroughly read the 3 pages, but PostmarketOS (based on Alpine) will be an interesting option. It's not very advanced on the Pro¹ yet, but I discussed with PostmarketOS people and they said the OS comes with its own kernel and is mostly device-agnostic, so it should be able to boot on the Pro¹ relatively easily (which does not mean everything will work out of the box of course). I've talked with someone with a pre-production Pro¹ who said there is still a bit of work before it boots, but I got the impression that it would be very feasible. Interestingly, Postm
  18. Actually I still have my old phones too, including a Jolla (first model) and multiple N900s. The issue is they are not all in a working state software-wise because I tend to fiddle with them as soon as they become the backup phones, and sometimes finish the work, sometimes leave them in a bad state. But most importantly, the batteries of my phones older than the Jolla C are all dead. The Jolla fails to report the actual percentage, it will show about 90% for one hour, then 50% for 3 hours, then it will die; the N900s report the correct percentages but only last a few hours. I've factory r
  19. Unfortunately I tried that already. I'm currently doing a factory reset of my Jolla C, since this one can still be charged. This is an old phone so it was easier to trigger the factory reset trick, considering that if there is any unsaved data/media on it, I already forgot about it, but I still hope there was not something that needed to be saved. :< No µSD at hand to do a manual backup, and no SSH possible to reinstall Silica because the phone was turned off with device lock on, which makes me unable to fully boot the phone now since I cannot type in the code, and hence I cannot reach a bo
  20. Thought it couldn't get worse. Was wrong. :] My backup Jolla C is giving up too after I updated OKBoard on a pre 3.0 SFOS version (I couldn't stand the virtual keyboard anymore, had to use OKBoard to make it faster), which seems to have borked all virtual keyboards on the phone, including keypads, including the one to type the unlock code at boot. As a consequence, my Jolla C is now unusable too and I cannot ssh into it because I cannot unlock it to enable Wifi or pick Developper mode as USB connection type. I'm running out of backup phones. :>
  21. That was me, in late October. Doing exactly what ksal95 replied to you, since it just has been exactly two weeks since then. It may feel like eternity to customers, but it really is not much in reality, especially with several days of public holidays in many European countries during the first two weeks of November. I am impatient, but have more pressing matters than trying to decipher and enumerate the multiple reasons why production, custom clearance, shipping, stock management and overall logistics could be delayed for a startup that has no leverage to pressure contractors.
  22. I got the e-mail notification too. Did we all get it? Otherwise, it probably is just for the first batch.
  23. I see that you quoted me but no worries, I didn't mean to put pressure on you. Just wanted to ease my pain while waiting for my new toy by sharing how the impatience unexpectedly peaked higher than I thought it could. 😆
  24. Coincidentally, my Xperia X Compact running Sailfish died last night. Red blinking LED of the death. Websearches suggest a dead battery that is not charging up anymore. No success with recovery mode or fastboot. I am back to stone age until I get the tracking number. 😆 It's funny how I thought I was at the apex of the pain while waiting for my Pro¹, and realized this morning that I was still far from it. 😄
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