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Posts posted by atfrase

  1. On 9/27/2020 at 8:04 AM, Slion said:

    Remove the screen assembly first, there are five screws at the back of the display underneath stickers. Unhook the flexible flat cable. Then I believe you need to pry apart the screen itself from the assembly's frame. I believe it is just glued in place. There must be a small tool included with your replacement screen to help with that. 


    4 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

    These guides might be helpful:

    BTW: Are you able to share the instructions from the support (F(x)tec)? 

    EDIT: Or is it this one? There are instructions how to disassembly screen panel with heat gun.


    3 hours ago, VaZso said:

    I have just replaced my screen in my Pro1 yesterday.
    The instructions @FlyingAnterolinked are good - you will need a heat gun (the one which is not looks like a hair dryer but a smaller, better controllable unit).
    You should heat up the screen edges - the disassembly guide suggest 160 degree Celsius, ensure you don't really exceed it, so a simple hair dryer is really not good (also because of excessive amount of air and uncontrolled temperature).

    You will need a little bit of patience but the display will come out.
    Then you should clean the frame itself and you will need something which can be used to glue the new screen in a way it may be removed later but still holds well.
    So don't use any epoxy or "super glue" like cyanoacrylate for this purpose.

    You may have received some useful materials together with the new screen for this purpose.

    The process itself is straightforward but you need a proper heat gun and maybe some experience.

    Thanks for all these resources! I understand now the process, though I'm undecided whether I'll attempt it; I may just give in and order the full display unit replacement from Fxtec, which looks to be a much simpler replacement.

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  2. On 9/15/2020 at 3:37 PM, benoitjeffrey said:

    I used to like the moto Z for this reason, they put a "shatter proof screen" thick plastic touch screen but it was prone to scratch. so adding a tempered glass and keeping some in spare was perfect from my point of view.

    Aside of this, I just replaced my Pro1 LCD with a $69 elephone, it's not easy like replacing the lcd assembly but it's pretty easy vs a lot of other phone i done in the past.

    I remember taking apart my Motorola Milestone, it needed to be disassembled from the bottom all the way up to the touch screen, so yes pretty easy job to do on the pro1


    Any advice or guide on how to do this replacement? I have the Elephone U Pro replacement part from aliexpress but I'm unsure how best to get the original screen off.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

    Yeah but support sold you the whole upper part of the phone, not just the screen.

    Ah, I see (and thanks for finding the link, @OKSun). I imagine the replacement of the screen only would be much more difficult, though; in the instructions support sent me for the whole upper unit, it was just five screws and a ribbon cable.

    I wonder also if a screen-only replacement would suffice in my case; I have not only cracked glass but a permanent solid magenta line in one whole column of pixels. It does say "touch screen + LCD display" but I'm not familiar enough with this kind of hardware to judge whether I might have damage to some additional component(s) underneath.

  4. On 8/29/2020 at 9:06 AM, EskeRahn said:

    See this

    Thanks for that! Sadly it's too late for me, this heavy slippery phone already slid out of my pocket once and landed on a front corner of the screen rather than a rear corner in the nice soft silicone case, so now I've got a crack and an intermittent solid magenta line through the display. 😕

    • Sad 3
  5. I got a "GVTECH Case for Huawei P20 Pro TPU Cover" (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RSQF772) which fits pretty nicely on the lower (keyboard) half of the unit, though of course I had to poke holes for the rear mic, top/bottom speakers, USB socket, headphone socket, and power and volume keys. I dislike having no protection on the top (screen) half though, and indeed have already gotten a subtle crack on the screen because it was slippery enough to slide out of my pocket sitting down and land on its corner.

    Any better suggestions? Ideally, any suggestions for adding a silicone bumper around the edges of the screen to cushion those corners (and avoid it resting on the screen surface when placed face-down)?

  6. Mine is configured to launch the camera when pressing the power button twice in a row, which I find convenient to quickly pull out the phone and snap a photo. I forget where exactly that setting is, but maybe that's what's happening to you? If you don't think you're accidentally pressing it twice, maybe it's a loose connection in the button that makes one press register as two?

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  7. I've tried quite a few different launchers now and I've only found one so far that handles landscape mode well. (TL;DR, it's Total Launcher).

    The Pro1 default Quickstep supports landscape mode but only using a "two halves" approach that screws up widget placement (my old 1x1 and 2x1 widgets all get stretched to 2 rows, and can't be positioned across the center line of the screen), and it also lacks a lot of other pretty basic customization options.

    Some launchers don't support landscape mode at all, they're just in portrait mode all the time. These include: Evie and Smart Launcher (not to be confused with Smart Launcher 5, which is more popular but a totally different app).

    Other launchers support landscape mode in a simplistic, hideous way by using the same layout and icon grid dimensions in either orientation, resulting in a "landscape mode" that still has (for example) 5 columns across the long way and and 7 or 8 rows squeezed in the short way. This makes the icon grid pretty awful to use, and breaks most widgets outright. These are: Action Launcher, Apex Launcher (which apparently used to have separate landscape/portrait grid size options, but removed them in an update) and Nova Launcher.

    A few launchers go one step better by at least removing the icon captions when in landscape mode so that they aren't quite as badly squeezed vertically, but it's a pretty small improvement. They are: Lawnchair and Microsoft Launcher.

    A couple of launchers offer a different scheme for organizing the home screen from the conventional horizontally scrolling pages of app icons and widgets. While I appreciate the innovation and I'm sure some folks love these different approaches, I prefer the traditional approach and these launchers offered no option to revert to that scheme. They are: Smart Launcher 5 and one other whose name I forget, but it always had a text list of app categories on the screen instead of icons or a conventional app drawer.

    So after all that, what I've finally settled on is Total Launcher. It's a pain to set up because you have to manually recreate the traditional layout (icon grids on each page, a dock pinned to all pages, an all-apps widget in the bottom sliding drawer, etc), but since it saves independent layouts for portrait and landscape mode, all that setup time is rewarded with by far the nicest and most usable experience in any orientation.

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  8. I started looking for a replacement launcher after noticing that the stock Quickstep's icon grid was sized such that all my previously 1-row (1x1, 2x1, ...) widgets had become 2-row, and there didn't seem to be any way to customize the grid size.

    So far I've tried Nova which I like, but doesn't handle landscape mode well when the keyboard is out. By default it just keeps the home screen in portrait mode so its sideways with the keyboard out, and if I change it to auto-rotate then it tries to squeeze the same 5x7 portrait icon grid into the landscape aspect ratio, resulting in super tiny icons with huge horizontal gaps between columns. I looked for an option to have it instead convert the 5x7 grid into 7x5 in landscape mode by simply rotating each icon and its label in-place by 90 degrees, but there didn't seem to be one.

    Can anyone suggest a launcher that allows for customizing the home screen grid size so widgets can be the right size, while also working well in landscape mode?

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