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  1. I made the biggest mistake. Bought an iPhone 13. Always owned Androids. Whilst I love my photos being in snyc for a change as I use an iMac, I dislike everything else about it the iPhone. For starters, what’s the issue for a lack of split screen? So basic!
  2. I’m in the UK. Such a shame as there were many things I loved including pleb, split screen, etc
  3. I’ve given up on my Pro1X. Without a decent signal, what’s the point? So disappointed as I had such high hopes for this phone:
  4. You should see the state of my BBKeyOne! Think Sellotape and the battery packed up a week before delivery. 😨
  5. Don't worry about not being able to use a phone as a phone? 😳
  6. Similar behaviour to my phone. Useless for making calls. Will need to buy a new phone if not resolved soon.
  7. Same for me. In December's update, this issue along with NFC not working is being investigated.
  8. Me too. My yubikey (5 C) doesn't work on my Pro1 X. Very frustrating being locked out of my accounts not a techie so I do not follow the technical aspects of the discussion but I will attempt to place my keys in the positions suggested. As above. New issues: fingerprint sensor has given up the ghost. 👻 It's not the end of the world as I kept touching it accidently resting in being locked at. The speakers are unpredictable when using landscape with the volume coming from apparently different locations from tim to time and at varying volumes. Also, the vo
  9. Thank you. I missed these response. Probably just zoned out reading threads...
  10. My connection is poor - slow and unreliable. Calls drop out or struggle to find a connection. I have a speaker issue, the sound seems to move or at least go high and low and other times the sound it is barely audible... Any idea where I can find a screen protector and case? Thanks, all.
  11. Practice makes perfect. Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector. I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒 Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc, at times? Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.
  12. Practice makes perfect. Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector. I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒 Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc? Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.
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