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Everything posted by Adrienspawn

  1. That's hilarious. I'd definitely have paid for them to ship it individually from China or wherever directly to me. Although I think that should have been included, given being told we should rush to pay to get in line for September... But what bugs me more is I'm pretty sure we were supposed to get a case, no? A sleeve is basically a pocket. As a man I have plenty of those. It's not like it's gonna be loosely banging against stuff in a purse. You don't have 2K but wouldn't sell it for 20k? I'm beginning to understand your money troubles haha. The wait is killing me
  2. on that note if anyone here in Mtl gets theirs before me, can I come stare at you use it for a bit? just to take the edge off? I'll stay 3 feet away. I just need to live vicariously through that. edit: maybe touch it too. softly
  3. Frustration/anger is the natural healthy reaction to being told something is 'just around the corner' time and time again.
  4. Bit miffed about this myself. If I'd been told in September that I shouldn't expect it before the Holidays, that's one thing. I wouldn't have high hopes. But it's been '1-2 weeks away' for the past 60 days and possibly another 30. My dopamine circuits are fried.
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