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  1. Order #48xx, ordered February 27th, paid August 1st, delivery to Finland/EU, no igg coupon, qwertz, stock assigned email January 20th, tracking code January 22nd. I received my Pro1 today. It has s/n 239. Some thoughts: Opening the keyboard made a loud sound but I noticed that behind the screen at left lower corner it was somehow popped out. After pushing it back in the sound is much quieter. The device is quite big to my hand but maybe I get used to it. Wifi seems to have quite bad reception but I don't know if it's because of the Sailfish port I'm using. However overall the d
  2. Order #48xx, ordered February 27th, paid August 1st, delivery to Finland/EU, no igg coupon, qwertz, got stock assigned email today. Thank you a lot!
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