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  1. Erik! They have send the phone back on the day I was moving so I was not home... DPD was impossible to contact but have answered my email after 1.5Month Then I send FXtechnology 5emails, but theyy don't respond either... that has been 2-3 months .... I will be moving again in 10 days. but I would still like to clear this up. Can you ask them to check the spam folder for emails of [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] kind regards, [email protected]
  2. Phone got sent to me while i was not home... AFter that i have send then 5emails for follow up.... 2.5months later... No answer up to this day.... This is a horrible company
  3. Send a phone back for repair up untill now they ignore me. What crooks!
  4. Not resolved, no answers yet. dirty company
  5. conclusion, dont send your phone to fxtek, they just take it and... they are still ignoring me...
  6. did you email them again and again or just ignored it as if it was gone? Cuz they tell us if you email too soon they wont look at it only after X time.. (only that story doesnt make sense, in the beginning they answered after 2 days, and now its silent for 3weeks...)
  7. They said they wanted to replace it... then I send them my phone but it didnt contain a certain reference number.. From to moment that I had send it, they ignored me fully. that is 2 weeks now.😔 I don't know what to do with this...
  8. 44161f40-fe7d-43a9-a3f7-4ec4347bf242.jfif Do they still repair broken phones? My screen is bleeding blue and the microphone is not useable when you are inside, every little bit of electromagnetic energy destroys the entire line. I need to use it with a bluetooth headset or its not use-able..
  9. SWIFTKEY WORKS! it opens a total new settings menu that was previously totally hidden
  10. i can select those keyboards for the onboard, not for the fysical, i can only choose languages there. the only option that remains is for every word that the phone autocorrects, make an exact shortcut example. when i want 'wel' on my screen, the shortcut for it is 'wel' silly but i dont see other options
  11. default built in keyboard, i can put auto correct off on the onscreen keyboard but not on the physical, i can change nothing on the default setting
  12. not on android lineage not with android 11 lineage. which OS are you running? nice! and one handed typing? 😛 Do you also have problems with electromagnetic problems, so much noise on the line when you are around electronics (anywhere inside)
  13. you have to switch in between languages and you cant change the settings of those keyboards (like turn off auto correct) kinda rendering the phone useless to me 😄 flipping it open also takes effort and requires two hands... so typing on the keyboard, that is too big (or my hands are too small), is not anymore faster then the onscreen. there are also only a handfull of apps that turn 90 degrees, almost all dont turn, rendering the keyboard useless again. its a nice art piece 4f396e4d-55ef-4594-8928-56fa55f3038d.jfif
  14. off course not a problem when you only speak one language
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