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Android 10 on the Pro1

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I know the device hasn't shipped yet, but I want to know if the team has been working on the new version on Android or when they intend on updating the Pro1. Based on what they posted in the past, efforts were going to be made to ensure the device received timely updates and mirror Google time frames as much as possible - one of the main reasons I bought the device.

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That's not exactly what I remember, although I don't know where to go dig up the info. I thought they had it in the FAQs but I don't see it there. My recollection is that they promised Android Q but not when and that they committed to providing security patches within 90 days. I would be surprised if the team has been able to work much with Android 10 since it came out in late August.


If their implementation of Android 9 is mostly vanilla except for the launcher, porting to 10 should be straightforward, but still not sure of the time scale on that. I assume it doesn't start until the Pro 1 is shipping and they have handled the initial issues, if any, from that.

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If their implementation of Android 9 is mostly vanilla except for the launcher, porting to 10 should be straightforward, but still not sure of the time scale on that. I assume it doesn’t start until the Pro 1 is shipping and they have handled the initial issues, if any, from that.


Even in case of the most optimistic scenario and the switch is simple, there would still be some testing to be sure things still works as expected.

If I remember right on the Q, there should be some new stuff for better handling folded devices. This MIGHT also mean that this new stuff can also benefit the form shift when rotating and opening in landscape. So here most like something new work would be needed, to benefit fully from Q.

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One of the niceties of devices that originally ship with Oreo or later (Pie in the case of the Pro1) is that they full benefit from the work done for Project Treble to standardize the OS devices driver interface on Android. This means that porting new Android versions will be much more rapid than it has been in the past.


Let hope reality meets the theory here. :)

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