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Is it time to pull the plug ?

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So lets look straight at the facts, FxTec never gave us any real numbers, dates, visibility, like how many devices been made and shipped, when the factory really started, how big is the factory itself, when did they try to start batch shipping, how much customs issues cost them...

People keeping track speaks very low volumes, around 1000 devices shipped, as a crowfunding project this is a real concern on how they can "factory" anything with such low volume.

On the manufacturing itself, we already know that the following July statement was a big fat lie:

"We are beginning the manufacturing in the next few weeks with estimated first shipping to pre-order customers during the  2nd week of September"

The 1st batch of stocks assignee Nov 4;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

From October to December, they made around 1000 devices, thats 10 devices a day, what kind of factory can run with such low numbers ? How many people are even working  ?

Then came the customs issues, this one must have hit them hard, but yet they absorbed the cost.

And now come the C Virus,

Factory is running at 30%, ?

=> so Fxtec is still paying employee while not being able to produce anything. the low total funding, won t keep this "factory" running for long.

Components are missing ?

=> Considering the low pre order volume, the 1st bach of components should be around 1000 pieces, meaning that now with all the issues they encountered if they had the money left (highly doubtful), they won t be able to find them.

Big company are gonna suffer from the CVirus,  for fxtec it will be the end of the story....


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32 minutes ago, Akun said:

how many devices been made and shipped, when the factory really started, how big is the factory itself,

Isn't that the norm?

32 minutes ago, Akun said:

when did they try to start batch shipping,



I mean... All this secrecy.... [/sarcasm]

32 minutes ago, Akun said:

On the manufacturing itself, we already know that the following July statement was a big fat lie:

The same way other companies lie?

32 minutes ago, Akun said:

From October to December, they made around 1000 devices, thats 10 devices a day, what kind of factory can run with such low numbers ? How many people are even working  ?

Are you sure the factory didn't just do all of them in one go although the deliveries were slower?
Are you sure the WHOLE factory is dedicated for the PRO¹?

32 minutes ago, Akun said:

so Fxtec is still paying employee while not being able to produce anything

Do you even know how these contracts work? F(x)tec pays by the phone, not time.

32 minutes ago, Akun said:

Big company are gonna suffer from the CVirus,  for fxtec it will be the end of the story....

If F(x)tec suffers from the virus, it is and will be because the founders need money to live their lives. Other than that, I believe there won't be more losses. This being a niche product helps that.


32 minutes ago, Akun said:

as a crowfunding project

Except it is not a crowdfunded project.


Admit it, @Akun, what kind of BS are you trying to pull here?

Edited by brunoais
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F(x)tec Team:

I remain hopeful that the Pro1 will make it. It is very important to me that it does, especially with the demise of the Blackberry QWERTY cellphone keyboards that will occur this coming October 2020.

I have learned that if you are a visionary, it is often a lonely place. It is a curse when you are the only one in the room that sees what you envision. In my case, my friends and co-workers laughed at me in 1989 when I created an electronic health record database software system (today known as Ezpro - https://ezprosystem.com/?page_id=74https://ezprosystem.com/?page_id=62) . For several years, few saw the value of what I had done, and it would be another 10 years before anyone would begin to take me seriously, but I never gave up. I don't want the F(x)Tec team to give up either! Birth is messy, no matter what you do to prevent seen and unforeseen struggles; so don't give up!

Our current Ezpro software system is designed to run on almost any platform, but I also strongly believe that the way of the future is the 'cell phone' for documentation of health-related services. I've been looking for a cellphone concept that will do what I need for health documentation purposes, such as medication administration, mental health clinical documentation, and daily tracking of nursing services. I am convinced that a cellphone with a QWERTY keyboard is desperately needed. We certainly need more than just touching a screen, mainly because the details of the documentation are often intense and voluminous. Screens are awesome, but not enough!

True enough, I am frustrated. I ordered the Pro1 in early December 2019. It still has not been delivered. Nonetheless, the visionary concept of the F(x)tec stands alone on planet earth. As such, it is critical to me that you succeed. I still believe in you.

In the mean time, please know that I would like to receive a Pro1 as soon as possible. I want to begin beta testing yesterday.


Dr. Luke Queen

Founding Partner/Board Member of E-Com Systems, LLC




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