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alt+tab sometimes breaks

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Sometimes alt+tab breaks, all it does then is a flicker of the screen and it's not functional anymore. That's usually not happening more than once a week. I can't tell how to reproduce it. To fix it I need to reboot.

I wonder if it is a system issue or a launcher issue. I'm using F(x)tec stock launcher.

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3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Is it related to the apps active on the list?

Not that I can tell, no.

3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Does touch app/switching work when you see it?

Yes that still works.

3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Never seen that.

Using much alt+tab?

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My GUESS would be that the flicker could be a change to an app that somehow does no go to foreground and you are thrown back.

What happens if you do NOT release the ALT?  That should let you navigate the tasks-switcher with Tab or shift+Tab, until selecting on release.

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