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[Community Build][SailfishOS][3.30.16] Updated May 6 2020

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SailfishOS community port has been updated to and is available in the testing: repository for general use.

The testing: repo is for general users, and the devel: repo for devs...the initial SailfishOS releases were made using the devel: repo so you need to switch them or install a release built from testing:  If anyone needs to know how to do than then ask.

Update process is as always:


ssu 32

ssu ur

zypper ref

zypper dup

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On 5/8/2020 at 7:29 PM, piggz said:

The testing: repo is for general users, and the devel: repo for devs...the initial SailfishOS releases were made using the devel: repo so you need to switch them or install a release built from testing:  If anyone needs to know how to do than then ask.

Go on then, do tell.

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On telegram, he suggested editing /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini, change from http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/devel:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfish_latest_%(arch)/ to http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/

TheKit shared a way to do it with sed, if you prefer to blindly cut/paste/execute:

sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community.*$#adaptation-community = http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/#' /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini

sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community-common.*$#adaptation-community-common = http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/common/sailfishos_%(release)/#' /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community-common.ini

Then update

ssu re && ssu ur && zypper ref && zypper dup
Edited by Craig
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Note to anyone reading Craigs post above, there is a second edit missing from the first section, which you can puzzle out easily from reading the sed commands listed.

Oh and don't try commenting out the original lines in the files with a #, you'll just end up creating some invalid repos that are a bit tricky to remove again :classic_blush:

Edited by epninety
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