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accidentally swapped display and front cam connectors

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i accidentally swapped the two connectors going into the display unit and powered on the phone. So the display connector was on the front camera connector and vice versa.

I did this because i was troubleshooting the display not working, which was mostly a contact issue from dirt in the fpc connectors. It was late and i was getting increasingly stupid 😄

Well now i can't get a picture or any response on the screen anymore and i was wondering if this swappage might have broken something. Before i order a new display i was hoping you guys could tell me if you think that either the graphics output on the board or the display itself could be damaged from this?

The phone still powers on but i can't get any reaction from the display unit.

Edited by milp
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Uh, sad that it is the same connector.

It will be a pure guess from me what could be damaged as it could have short circuited 'anything'. So what could be damaged could range anywhere between nothing and (almost) everything.

You could try to connect an external display with a usb to Hdmi-adapter. If that does not work it is likely a lot that is not working.

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oh thats a great idea, but first i need to replace the missing usb c connector on the board. I had tried DX07B024JJ2R1500 but their second pad row inwards did not fit the pcb, as it was made to be mounted on cutout pcbs, rather than on top.

Could someone please tell me which port i need to source in order to replace it?

Oh and would one of these hdmi adapters need to support anything specific in order to be compatible?

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6 hours ago, milp said:

Well now i can't get a picture or any response on the screen anymore and i was wondering if this swappage might have broken something. Before i order a new display i was hoping you guys could tell me if you think that either the graphics output on the board or the display itself could be damaged from this?

If we had a pinout then we may have some guess but everything may happen without knowing it...
I may try to replace a screen anyway and hope it will do something.

4 hours ago, milp said:

oh thats a great idea, but first i need to replace the missing usb c connector on the board. I had tried DX07B024JJ2R1500 but their second pad row inwards did not fit the pcb, as it was made to be mounted on cutout pcbs, rather than on top.

  I think what I have ordered should be good but I did not have time to experiment with it since it has arrived last week (my original connector is still soldered on the beard).

Here it is:

On 4/25/2022 at 6:45 PM, VaZso said:

Right, this one looks to be identical.

I have found similar connectors like what you have linked in your first photo but not what you have linked later (quoted above).

This connector can be ordered here anyway.

This kind of hidden row makes replacing the connector harder but it is not impossible.

I hope there are no similar connectors exist with different wirings - this one looks to be identical based on back row and through-hole fixings.

Thank you very much you have found it, I have just ordered a set.

Anyway, the first thing I would try is still the screen replacement.

Maybe looking at the keyboard's behaviour could be still checked...

Edit: I mean connector #7.

Edit2: I may check if closing / opening keyboard turns on/off its light or if light sitches off after certain amount of time or if power button has any effect on keyboard backlight.

If I remember well, keyboard backlight handling was improved uder LineageOS which I use, it may behave a bit differently under stock OS.

Edited by VaZso
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Wow thanks for the many insightful replies. The keyboard still responds. And much to the dismay of my colleagues, even my alarm clock went off this morning, with the phone only consisting of the base board and the battery. So it is clearly still mostly functional judging by that.

While i am at it, does anyone know what type of buttons i would need for replacing volume up / down and power? I accidentally broke them all. They still work, but barely. Somehow when reassembling the phone i got them scraped off while closing the case.

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1 hour ago, milp said:

While i am at it, does anyone know what type of buttons i would need for replacing volume up / down and power? I accidentally broke them all. They still work, but barely. Somehow when reassembling the phone i got them scraped off while closing the case

Not much left *LOL*, I doubt the keys are standard parts, but could be wrong obviously. Maybe contacting FxTec is the most realistic option to get spare parts. But we still have no idea of a new screen/camera will work. worst case getting them as spare parts, they will break when attached. On the other hand displays are not expensive on AliExpress...

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  • 1 month later...

I managed to do the same thing when I upgraded the firmware on all my spare displays. something got shorted and the ribbon cable was sending smoke signals...

fourtnatley I managed to dissconnect it fast enough to not make ane permanent damage, except the ribbon that de-laminated in a few millimeters

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