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Disable fingerprint reader while unlocked and while no authentication is pending

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This is not a solution, but just saying that if you use a shell or flip-case, a bonus is that it practically eliminate the inadvertent touches.

We have had discussion on this on the pro1 as well in here years back BTW, and without sounding like an apple echo of "You are holding it wrong", it is also a matter of getting used to how to hold it.
If used primarily in landscape it is the perfect placement for reaching with the right index finger.

Maybe a simpler solution would be to have the fingerprint-reader only active in landscape, when the device is unlocked? Personally I would not mind the rotation for authenticating something.
A switch for selecting that does not sound too complex.

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8 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

This is not a solution, but just saying that if you use a shell or flip-case, a bonus is that it practically eliminate the inadvertent touches.

I can agree on that based on own experience.

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Would be nice to disable fingerprint reader while it is not required for unlock or authenticate...

I'm having trouble when holding the phone with right hand and typing on the keyboard... My palm seems to trigger fingerprint reads all the time which causes flickering and strange behavior.

I know it's the perfect place for landscape mode, but come on... It's a mobile after all... I would really like to not use the physical keyboard, just to say hi to someone or type short answers like Yes, No...

Also I don't see any good reason for keeping active this sensor all the time while it's not even required.

Edited by Ivaylo Hubanov
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I just tested and on my Pixel 2XL (LinageOS 18.1) I do not get anything from the finger print scanner when it's not being requested, so I am thinking this is a change they could make in software/firmware...or wait until LinageOS comes to the phone.

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