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Power button opens the camera...

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Hiya folks

I have a little bit of an issue with my Pro1 (Which I soon may be retiring for the Pro1x... we'll see).

As the title says, when I hit the power button to activate the phone into life, it often immediately opens the camera.

Anyone else seen this issue or know how this may be fixed?

I'm soon going to try putting LineageOS 20 on it, so maybe that'll have an effect, but I'm not super confident as I did a full factory reset of the device about 4 months ago to try and fix some other issues (that turned out to be fixable hardware problems).

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks folks!

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14 hours ago, AndytheNoob said:

Hiya folks

I have a little bit of an issue with my Pro1 (Which I soon may be retiring for the Pro1x... we'll see).

As the title says, when I hit the power button to activate the phone into life, it often immediately opens the camera.

Anyone else seen this issue or know how this may be fixed?

I'm soon going to try putting LineageOS 20 on it, so maybe that'll have an effect, but I'm not super confident as I did a full factory reset of the device about 4 months ago to try and fix some other issues (that turned out to be fixable hardware problems).

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks folks!

Hey andy I am also own a pro1, and even I also want to know more about that.

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Same behaviour on mine with LOS18.1, this happens a few months ago, not every time. I've planned to reflash it to stock android (screen replacement) and move to LOS16.1 maintained by @claude0001. When I find a bit time to do this...

So not sure I can help here.


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In LOS 16.0, there is a setting "System > Gestures > Jump to Camera". Enabling that causes the camera app to launch when the power button is pressed twice.

Not sure that feature exists in later LOS versions, but if yes, you might want to make sure it is disabled. Otherwise accidential double-presses of the power button might indeed cause the behaviour you observe.

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7 hours ago, raymo said:

Same behaviour on mine with LOS18.1, this happens a few months ago, not every time. I've planned to reflash it to stock android (screen replacement) and move to LOS16.1 maintained by @claude0001. When I find a bit time to do this...

So not sure I can help here.


Yeah, I'm fairly certain it's not a software issue as the problem survived a full factory reset. It doesn't do it every time with mine either, just enough to be mildly annoying.


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Hardware problem is what I was a bit afraid about.
Maybe I will have to remove dust from here, it's true that the clicky power button feels sometimes weird in my finger.

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Have you opened the phone before? Maybe you destroyed the membrane below your power button. I've had this issue and fixed it by covering the button again and glueing it down with simple tape. The power button has very good feedback again and doesn't click twice.

In any case you should be able to fix the issue by simple deactivating the gesture as claude mentioned.

Long-pressing your camera button will still open the camera (but you have to type in your security code/gesture).

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Ooooh, the double tap thing may be culpable if my phone is set to "double power button tap = camera".

I have had the phone open to clean/replace parts, but the problem existed long before that, been living with it for a while now.

I have a USB-C port being repaired that I'm going to put in, I'll clean the button when I do that and get back to ya.

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On 5/6/2023 at 4:57 PM, SchattengestaIt said:

In any case you should be able to fix the issue by simple deactivating the gesture as claude mentioned.

Ok I've this option to disable it, and it's good now. Thanks !

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