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6 months, still no refund

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Hi everyone,

I was waiting more than 2.5years for a phone. First the pro1 and then the pro1x. I hoped for the last batch in march... but i still got disappointed...so i canceled it.

After a promising communication with the support in march, i am still waiting for a refund.... now nobody is answering the mails anymore...and slowly i am getting angry.

Is here someone of the team, who can help me. Otherwise i will need to contact a lawyer to get my money back. 

Best regards


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/8/2023 at 5:45 PM, Hook said:

Has it been too long for a chargeback on your credit card?  (I've never done one, so I don't know)


It's never too long. Keep in mind that my original order was placed in April of 2021 and I got my refund in April of 2023.
Document everything.
Show proof that you don't have the phone, that the company isn't going to make them, your original charge...

if you want I will send you the letter that I sent to my CC company and you can just drop in your own info and use it as a template.

Add a link to this forum - specifically this topic or others where people are mentioning they did not get theirs.
It is never too late. There is no statute of limitations.

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On 8/8/2023 at 4:56 PM, Dasche said:

Hi everyone,

I was waiting more than 2.5years for a phone. First the pro1 and then the pro1x. I hoped for the last batch in march... but i still got disappointed...so i canceled it.

After a promising communication with the support in march, i am still waiting for a refund.... now nobody is answering the mails anymore...and slowly i am getting angry.

Is here someone of the team, who can help me. Otherwise i will need to contact a lawyer to get my money back. 

Best regards


Where are you located and how did you pay for your phone?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm at my wit's end for the two Pro 1x (one from Indiegogo, one from FxTec, but then FxTec said something about bundling them together, which I don't know what it really meant) to arrive.  It seems that there is no end in sight, except about $1500 down the drain.  @sequestrisdo you think you wouldn't mind sharing your method to get the refund? It would be much appreciated. Thank you!


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/15/2023 at 10:33 AM, hling said:


I'm at my wit's end for the two Pro 1x (one from Indiegogo, one from FxTec, but then FxTec said something about bundling them together, which I don't know what it really meant) to arrive.  It seems that there is no end in sight, except about $1500 down the drain.  @sequestrisdo you think you wouldn't mind sharing your method to get the refund? It would be much appreciated. Thank you!


My apologies. I never got an email notification about this.

I contacted my credit card company and contested the charge. (US location)
They sent me an email asking me for proof of intent on my part to handle the matter.
I sent them screenshots, emails, proof that I had attempted to cancel, proof that fxtec acknowledged me and said (repeatedly) that it would be handled by their finance team.
That showed that they were willing and accepting of my request to cancel.
The fact that after they sent those emails to me they never did and the amount of time I was waiting was enough.
The CC company (Capital One in my case) gave me a provisional credit while the followed up.
I sent a follow up email to fxtec telling them what I did.
They said they would not challenge the claim.
It was all so very civilized.
I bought mine through the website not Indiegogo.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Sequestris,

Thanks for your reply.  I also did not get notification for your reply.  In the mean time, I received one of the two Pro1x (via Indiegogo) November 3rd. Progress, sort of. But I am stuck at booting up the device. I may never find out what it's like to have a Pro1x after all, as I read in the forum that Pro 1x cannot be charged unless it is ON.   In which case, I will still need to get a refund for the other Pro1x that I ordered through FxTec website.

Thanks for pointing the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I ordered (as customer, not sponsor) Pro1-X almost 2 years ago and I didn't receive it. I requested refund almost year ago, and still I have no money. How much time FX Technology Limited needs to make one transaction? What means "soon" in your emails?

What do you plan to do in my case? W sent hundreds of e-mails and all the time you replying "soon". I feel robbed.

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1 hour ago, Grzegorz said:


I ordered (as customer, not sponsor) Pro1-X almost 2 years ago and I didn't receive it. I requested refund almost year ago, and still I have no money. How much time FX Technology Limited needs to make one transaction? What means "soon" in your emails?

What do you plan to do in my case? W sent hundreds of e-mails and all the time you replying "soon". I feel robbed.

I've merged your post with a thread that discusses the issues you raise. I hope it will be helpful, though it doesn't get your refund.

This is a user-to-user forum that people at FxTec like @Casey sometimes check in on, but not with predictable frequency, so no one here can provide an answer about the refund itself.  I hope calling out to Casey helps.

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