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Kernel source code for stock Android

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You mean AOSP? Or you mean for whatever has been added to standard Android For the Pro1X.

We are unlikely to get the full android source from Google, And I think that it is more than likely that FxTec has added drivers with closed source from providers of chipset, camera chips and possibly other.

I do not know if FxTec have published source for anything they may be allowed to do so for... Have not heard it mentioned.

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Sorry, that I didn't mention it, I am asking about Pro1x and, of course, not the code for the whole system (I wouldn't expect to get that), only the kernel. I know about Lineage, but there is some difference. I am doing some experiments and Lineage kernel is working fine, but the stock one not. So I'd like to have to code to do some debugging. The difference may be just configuration, but without the code it is difficult to say.

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2 hours ago, pAn said:

Sorry, that I didn't mention it, I am asking about Pro1x and, of course, not the code for the whole system (I wouldn't expect to get that), only the kernel. I know about Lineage, but there is some difference. I am doing some experiments and Lineage kernel is working fine, but the stock one not. So I'd like to have to code to do some debugging. The difference may be just configuration, but without the code it is difficult to say.

Wouldn't https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/ be what you're looking for? That's Android's Linux kernel, which is free and open source like Android itself, just the device (Pro1X) specific parts from the hardware vendor are not.

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5 hours ago, pAn said:

No, what I am looking are those specific changes done by the vendor.  Linux is GPL licenced, so this should be also available.

This is not something I am knowledgeable about, but would the kernel be extractable form the files linked here?


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@Hook, he needs the sources, apparently including the exact building configuration. ROMs contain only the resulting binaries in executable form. 

@pAn : You probably have good reasons for what you are doing. But out of interest: If you kernel project works well with LineageOS, why don't you just use that?

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@claude0001 yes, that is exactly what I am looking for.


Why? Well I don't want to create any false expectation, everything I have is barely a PoC - I am trying to implement something like kexec (the actual kexec doesn't work and fixing it requires at least good knowledge of the HW, so I decided to try something else) to be able to boot different systems without flashing them. The LineageOS recovery starts fine, but the stock doesn't. I'd like to debug that, but to do that I need, as you wrote, the exact building configuration.

And before someone asks:) - yes I know, that there many more challenges to do I want, e.g. how to store the data for all the systems. I have some ideas in my head, but I haven't got there yet...

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