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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2021 in Posts

  1. YES!!! See attached video file (sorry for the ridiculous video quality ... had to shrink 2min to 2MB ...) I now have Ubuntu Touch via "Slot A" and LineageOS 18.1 via "Slot B". Dual boot procedure takes to get used to: It's not choosing OS during boot, instead it works from fully booted OS and then "OK, reboot into the other OS". The app used for that is "Switch My Slot" , with existing versions for UBports (Ubuntu Touch), Android and Sailfish. Feels like ages ago having such a satisfying moment like seeing this on my Pro1 \o/ Cheers, order#10248 Edit: Video is
    5 points
  2. Oh what a mess! When DPD claims they delivered the parcel to FxTec, and FxTec claims the never got it. It should be DPD that has to provide a receipt from FxTec on them recieving the parcel. If DPD are not able to produce that, it should be their responsibility. If they can produce a receipt then it is FxTec that has the problem.
    1 point
  3. This actually explains why sliding your finger on the bottom it might trigger the problem. Now I'm curious if everyone is having the problem at the same exact location, which could indicate a recurring problem caused by a particular flaw in the design.
    1 point
  4. OK, I've edited the post after reuploading the images to Imgur. Seems like the forum has some problems when you're just copying/pasting an image.
    1 point
  5. I am not sure if it already had come to notice here in this forum: There is a funding campaign to have a professionally skilled developer working on Anbox container for Ubuntu Touch: https://gofund.me/acb31504 I think it is worth to be supported. Anbox is kind of a container running an android environment so that native android apps could be run. Of course this could be more convenient than dual boot 😉 Cheers, Ulle
    1 point
  6. So I did some tests about that "strip" of touches, this was what the touch pattern looked like: One thing I noticed is that when you tap on that strip, it activates both top and bottom of it. Same situation when you rotate the display: BUT, if you actually press or slide over the correct place, it starts working correctly: This image with the tap location, clearly shows when you tap in that "strip" of area, it registers two touches: So I'm still leaning on the theory that some flex in the display is causing this.
    1 point
  7. For me (along with some others), only the screen was replaced, so the PCB itself was not changed but replacing the screen has resolved the issue. Also, all of us have started to experience the very same symptoms at the very same position and very same kind of ghost touches. My ghost touches became better when I have pressed the bottom left or maybe bottom right corner in portrait orientation. However, what you write sounds interesting... ...somewhere it seems to be caused by a connection or breakage issue, which may be even at the flex cable, the connector, or the display itse
    1 point
  8. There is a new update #14 up. They expect the main PCB to be ready within days 😁
    1 point
  9. In the Netherlands there are organisations where you can file a complaint when there is a dispute and/ or lack of service. My issue lies with both DPD and FxTec. According to DPD NL I should contact FxTec and according to DPD UK, FxTec should take actions. We all know where this is going, and has been going for months now. Asking FxTec for help hasn't resulted in anything apart in a thank you for co-operating (WTF!?). So I tried filing a complaint with DPD UK. Here is where it gets 'funny'. DPD UK still refer to the EU consumer board when you have a dispute. But, since the UK is no longer a me
    0 points
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