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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2022 in Posts

  1. Updated 24th February (Sold) Hello, I have decided to sell my Pro1. If anyone is interested in purchasing the phone please DM me. I am happy to discuss price. If no one here wants the phone I will have to put it on ebay which is not my preferred option. If you have a look on page 5 of this thread you will see I purchased this phone last year.
    3 points
  2. I just receive mail from fxtec that they work to make delivery this month. Also point me to indiegogo site for more information, maybe soon we will have news: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control#/updates/all
    2 points
  3. I just receive mail from fxtec support that they work to make delivery's at February. So hopefully there is a chance to receive phone this or next month 🙂
    2 points
  4. I'm posting here because I'm not getting any responses to my emails. Hopefully, this gets to someone's eyes who can do something about the situation. Timeline: August 2020: I receive my FXtec Pro1, and am in love with it. March 2021: My touchscreen starts to go on the fritz, there is a dead band in the digitizer. April 2021: The microphone fails. I reach out to FXtec for a repair. April 27, 2021: I ship the phone back to FXtec so they can diagnose and repair the issue. May, 2021: FXtec receives, diagnoses, and repairs my phone. (New back cover, microphone,
    2 points
  5. Nothing here to dismiss or belittle your frustration, but to clarify some information. First, this is a user-to-user forum. It isn't viewed very often by anyone for FxTec. Second, there are no October or December shipments and there are no replacement Pro1s (can no longer obtain that SOC). If they promised you an October (2021) and then a December shipment, they would have to be talking about sending you the new Pro1x. You haven't received anything in that case because the shipping date(really, the manufacturing date) keeps getting pushed back (factories not fully manned due to cov
    2 points
  6. I'm still waiting on a refund. The last piece of correspondence that I have from them was from the middle of January, when I'd canceled my original refund request, and that response actually came fairly quickly - within a few days. I submitted a new one earlier this month when they pushed out the half-assed status update (it's not so much the delays that bother me - it's the utter lack of communication, not fulfilling their update obligations, and continuously moving the goalposts), but I still haven't received a reply. For reference, I'm one of the chumps who ordered the original phone direct
    1 point
  7. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3509-faq-how-to-do-various-tasks/
    1 point
  8. This is a post with links to threads on various tasks. Like installing and repairing. Suggest additions at will. If I find it relevant, I will add it, and plan to remove the suggestions to keep this thread (c)lean. ***Please be aware that guides for Pro1 and Pro1X are NOT interchangeable in general, though much goes for both*** Please: Help keep the forum clean and use the Report function whenever you see some spam or similar irrelevant content. Please: Enter your FxTec Device Information in your Member Title slot under "Edit Profile". See this (So other
    1 point
  9. Good idea! I will suggest that someone make (and maintain) a FAQ post with relevant links in the "How to" section. I could then 'pin' it to the main-list, and it should contain links to the three currently 'pinned' on how to open up the display, how to setup qwertZ and how to flash. (and these three post could then be unpinned)
    1 point
  10. How did you fix it? By soldering or with by other means? It could be good to have here on the forum a section for different fixes with pictures. Then it could become a habit that when people fix something they could report and show what they fixed and how. I am still waiting to get my first Fxtec device and have to say I am a bit alert what I have got to know on this forum about the problems with Oses or hardware. The lack of support from team is expected but maybe hard to accept. For me it is just awesome Chen had the courage to make this even possible.
    1 point
  11. To the last part, technically yes, but I do not know if FxTec got the small board in stock as a spare part. If you feel sure it isn't just pocket lint or similar, you could try asking them if they got it in stock. I have no idea how easy/hard the tiny usb-board itself is to service if it is say a broken soldering. I do not recall anyone in the forum discussing that. (could be a memory glitch though)
    1 point
  12. FYI, I finally found an actual date for the AT&T shutdown, Feb 22 2022. Looks like I will know in 20 days if I have to switch to T-Mobile or get a new phone. I got myself a 99 cent Mint Mobile sim card off amazon which comes with a free 7 day trial / 250 mins / 250 text to test out the T-Mobile network coverage. ATT has my imei registered as an att branded blackberry priv (which is on the approved list) since they don't recognize the fxtec imei in their system (invalid)...but of course they know what my sim is actually in. Only time will tell at this point.
    1 point
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