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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2022 in all areas

  1. I use my Pro1 as daily driver with my self-built LineageOS 16.0 and a Debian 10 (actually Devuan 3) desktop GNU/Linux system running permanently in a chroot. For me this is the optimal combination of an Android(-like) environment with the option to do serious (desktop) work from the GNU chroot. Of course, running a more native GNU/Linux system (if we agree on calling libhybris-based hacks "native" 😉 ) like UbuntuTouch, Sailfish, or Droidian is tempting, but -- realistically -- I cannot make it through the day without some Android apps I would not know how to replace (Firefox, Zoom, Öffi,
    1 point
  2. They accidentally turned on the device while disassembling it, I guess they should add "MAKE SURE THE DEVICE IS TURNED OFF!" before they unplug the connector because to me that sounds like a one way trip to dead screen.
    1 point
  3. The problem happens when battery voltage > around 4.1V on my phone with droidian. Please check while true; do cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now; done I think it is not related with temp or charging state.
    1 point
  4. FWIW, the USB bug with modern Ryzen systems has been fixed in SDM662 and Fastboot/EDL works fine on my system. No need for the USB 2.0 hub if you have the 1X I guess.
    1 point
  5. Just keep in mind that CFW are here to stay, as long as the maintainer is still working on support for the device. So, after F(x)tec ends support for that phone, you can switch to a CFW like LineageOS and go on with it for a few more years if you so choose. However, for the security side of thing, you'll still be vulnerable to CVE's that isn't mitigatable (is it a word?) without support from Qualcomm.
    1 point
  6. That's right! No reason! And the earth is flat... So which facts do you have that would substantiate doubts that Fxtec does everything they can to deliver those phones in the end, as extreme as the delays already have become for some of us?
    1 point
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