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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2023 in Posts

  1. lineage-20.0-20230212-UNOFFICIAL-pro1x.zip disables the "press twice to lock" feature. You can still press just one key at a time, but you'll need to press Shift/Alt/AltGr before every key you want to modify. Note that Caps Lock is available if you want more than one capital letter in a row. I hope this small change is a compromise everyone can accept. Early feedback on my patch to make the keyboard type configurable from Settings has been negative, suggesting it would be unlikely to appear in official builds of LineageOS. If you are building your own OS images and are interested in th
    3 points
  2. OK, I've merged the logs generated by Discover LTE with my ping test. Hopefully it makes sense to someone. So there were timeouts as you'll see even though it was much better than usual. I have attached the spreadsheet. The column "LTE event" is just when something is logged by Discover LTE. The column "ping timeout" hopefully is self explanatory. lte_logs.xlsx
    2 points
  3. LineageOS 20 is stable and usable on the Pro1, but I don't use Magisk. Please report any bugs you might find by following the instructions on the LineageOS Wiki. FWIW, I never liked Android 11 much either.
    2 points
  4. Yeah, I had seen that one. And I've already picked it up in my lineage-16.0 ROM for Pro1. 🙂 Thanks for coming up with this simple but effective solution! Those two lines of code may have their place with a HW keyboard that has no caps-lock. But with the Pro1/Pro1X, omitting them certainly improves intuitive use! For me this "compromise" is perfect as, apart from the "double-shift = caps lock"-behaviour, I actually like the features of an ALPHA keyboard.
    1 point
  5. The general idea is for Settings to set a global value, and and a modified KeyCharacterMap.java to check that value instead of depending on the .kcm files. The negative reviews are about the various possible ways to do this: a setting, a system property, etc. An instance variable isn't usable for this as each app gets a different instance of the KeyCharacterMap object, so there's no way to use a method in the class itself and have the change take effect in all instances. The normal way to do this is to add a new setting in LineageOS' SDK, but unfortunately the SDK can't be linked against the c
    1 point
  6. lineage-20.0-20230213-nightly-pro1-signed installed smoothly over OTA. Still January 5th security patch. I discovered after that I no longer had root, but since I don't actually use root very often, I don't know if it was this OTA that undid it. I reflashed Magisk V25 as a zip and all went well. V25 does make you jump through a few more hoops than older versions did when you use this depreciated method. It does make you download and update the app, during which it does the whatever with the boot stuff. But it's easy and painless. I only use it to give superuser permissions-- it use
    1 point
  7. Not sure if I will include it in the end, but as the option of switching between "full" and "alpha" has been requested several times, I would be quite interested in how you would have implemented that. Otherwise, disabling the "double shift = caps" function seems like a very good idea and a good compromise between both worlds. First time I accidentally triggered that mode, it drove me nuts, and I was pretty harsh toward that poor, innocent caps key ... 😳
    1 point
  8. Hi all, I've been mucking around with the LTE Discovery app some of us have been using. Trying to gather as much data as I can, so stay tuned. (if I can get my act together) I paid for the pro version in the end (about $3) and it has a nifty little feature where it resets the cell radio on a "not connected" condition. So far, I've been using data on my phone all day with no issues. Even voice calls in and out are working, so far. I've also been running a continuous ping test every 2 seconds while hotspotted and no dropped pings It's not a solution but maybe a useful workaround for th
    1 point
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