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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2024 in Posts

  1. An interesting idea, but we need some info from FxTec first a) How many devices are already produced and only awaiting shipment, or perhaps the amount of money needed to send those. Have these recently been charged or checked for the need of charging? Any cost estimate on doiing that before shipping? b) Do more devices need to be produced, to fulfil the 'backlog'? If so, what amounts of money are we talking here including shipping? I'm not talking actual number, but rough ballbark figures. If few are left to be send, it might require a rather substantiial amount of money to
    3 points
  2. i been using a samsung fold 5 and its absolutely awesome , i can imagine that honor magic also be awesome
    3 points
  3. Dear Community, I've been pondering a potential solution to the ongoing shipping challenges faced by F(x)tec. What if we came together and initiated a GoFundMe campaign to alleviate the burden of shipping costs for the company? With collective support, we could potentially aid in expediting the delivery process and ensure that backers receive their perks sooner rather than later. Before taking any steps, I'd like to gauge interest and gather feedback. Would anyone be interested in supporting such an endeavor? Your thoughts and input are greatly appreciated.
    2 points
  4. I wish I hadn't read that. (That said, it's of course not much more expensive than two Pro1/Pro1X phones were, either, let alone if you paid for three and only got two [so far]...) How does typing work? (Unfolded, I take it the lower half cannot sprout a physical keyboard, can it?)
    2 points
  5. This assumes that they don't lie to us in any ways. It seems way more realistic that the company is close to bankrupcy and therefore aims to sell new devices in external shops instead of sending out the phones that were already paid. It doesn't even need to be greedyness but maybe they simply ran out of money. Almost the complete team of FxTec were fired, and they rather start new campaigns and sell the phone (for less money) in some external shops instead of fulfilling their orders of 2-3 years ago.
    0 points
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