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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2024 in Posts

  1. Verizon is hit or miss. Some people have it working fine, Others have trouble. The OS won't make a difference, I have seen peple reporting that they get a notification from Verizon that the phone is unsupported, but so far not much evidence that there is any enforcement yet, When i had my Verizon SIM in my Pro 1, ages ago, it worked for a few months and then SMS broke. I gave up. I now use Ting in my Pro1x (which is T-Mobile). Here is the long Verizon thread: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2133-fxtec-on-verizon
    2 points
  2. For my po1x I got this 2250mah twix deal https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005043077240.html?sku_id=12000031429438778 short circuited it a few too many times while removing and attaching the boards, and at least once to the phone housing cause I forgot the isolation, but somehow it survived and seems to be working fine. I'm going to torture it with fast charging see how long it lasts for me. Sidenotes: - Bunch of ribbon cables under the battery, I almost destroyed one while prying it off, some real tough glue there. - My bottom speaker always worked intermittently, and especially at
    2 points
  3. nono...it is not my fold. I am service. $550 was my purchase price for me 🙂 Then is needed to add some $ for work for customer. Ok your 9210 was mechanically damaged...but foldable phones can be damaged with classic using. Thats difference. I hope, that your magic2 is madded better than others
    1 point
  4. i been using a samsung fold 5 and its absolutely awesome , i can imagine that honor magic also be awesome
    1 point
  5. foldable displays have cracking problems...lines on display etc ;( These phones are too pricey for its quality...and displazy change is really expensive. For example display for fold 5 cost me around $550.
    0 points
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