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CornholioGSM last won the day on September 5

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About CornholioGSM

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    Pro1 - Los19.1

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  1. It will be good, but i mean too thick due size of rear camera 😞
  2. Soo yess...my phone have stuck on 10% (battery saver) for more than one hour with youtube playing. Final time on battery was approx 34 hours and 6 hours on display. After second charging my phone charges up to 3138mAh but after few seconds after disconnect chager it shows again 2900mAh. It looks like i can be happy with new cell. Question is for how long. BTW cell looks exactly same as original with contacts on exactly same place.
  3. I am not sure but maybe will it be same as when i have changed battery cell on my old motorola photon. After first full charge motorola stuck on 5% battery for hours and was needed to wait util phone off and then recharge. After 3 full charging was battery info "recalibrated" and all was fine. ...i am now on 55% after 15 hours and phone says that will be on battery up to tomorrow 14:30
  4. yesss....good question...i dont know old values 😄 Old battery was holds only around 8-10hours max.
  5. Soo yesterday i have madded my battery refurbishment . It was simple process - remove kapton tape, cut old battery cell contacts from pcb, littlebit shorten contacts on new cell, solder new cell to pcb with spot welder, isolate, bend pcb to correct place and then new kapton tape. It looks like original and whole process was for 5 mins 🙂 I am now inside testing - charged to full - lineage batt info shows approx 2900mA after full charge. I have now 66% on battery after 10 hours usage (lineage update, yt music for 2 hours in car, 40 mins on browser, some calls e
  6. Lineage-21.0-20240901-nightly-pro1-signed.zip OTA installed. Sill: No Camera No Flashlight https://review.lineageos.org/q/project:LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1
  7. Last update 21-20240824-NIGHTLY-pro1 installed (OTA) and still same problems. *No Camera *No Flash Light
  8. hmmm...this forum is about FXtec phones and this is TCL. I see, that your phone is in fastboot/bootloader. On this screen press power button for normal start. If phone boots again to this screen, then use VOLume buttons - select Recovery, press power button - phone boots into recovery. Here select with vol buttons wipe data and then select reboot. If phone still boots into Fastboot, then is neededt to test firmware flashing............
  9. cornerfly was relatively working on los roms from android 11++. I am not sure but maybe this (in rom)corner settings was gone with new kernel? ...but it is not question for me... Maybe is this question for npjohnson - lineageos developer.
  10. .. as i have sayd before 🙂 ...corner radius. On aospextended was this "fix or settings" visible when booting...but it was implemented to rom... On lineage was it not working too good
  11. It is normal of FX devices...my pro1 from first serie was delivered with same problem. Soo i have immediately contacted fx for solution. Fx have sent me gratis another new display but with another problems 😞 Really good solution is set corner radius - some root and some not root apps can made it. As i see your corners defects are small soo it will be invisible 🙂 Corner radius settings was in one custom android 10 and 11 rom ...it was not lineageos...but i forgot name 😞 BTW...i have contacted fx again after 1+ year ago and finally good display was delivered soo
  12. yesss for me it looks too like battery problem and not los problem.
  13. https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/
  14. ...i have tools for solder new emmc - that is not problem - it is my work. But i dont have correct adapter for my programmer...and solder it directly to sd reader is work for long time...and emmc is really bad soo i am not sure if will be possible to made good working image. Another problem is, that emmc will have many partitions and will be for 90% paired with soc - as on another phones. So solder only new emmc is not solution i mean. Solution will be maybe jtag but again without correct programmer, service manual it is impossible. I have tested this in hostory on XT897
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