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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2024 in Posts

  1. I suppose I like the idea of that e-ink phone but after my experience with the Titan Slim I know that as much as I'd like a compact device I need a larger screen and a larger keyboard (if there is one). I might get comfortable with an e-ink display, though. In the meantime, I got my Honor stylus for the V2 today, ordered in China since they don't sell it in Europe. Nice. The combo even has pressure sensitivity, and the phone's notes app has a stylus mode. I don't think, though, that even if there was handwriting recognition software for the phone it would be able to get anything out of m
    1 point
  2. August is not far away, but much depends on what this really is. In its simplest form it is just a piece of plastic and a BT keyboard, only passing the USB-C though, maybe piggy-bagging the power. This way they need no drivers or the like, and might even buy all the BT keyboard logic as an existing product, so they really have 'only' the design and manufacturing of the hardware to do, and they might already have done large part of the design to make the model. Sorry I confused this with the Iphone keyboard
    1 point
  3. I still think they are still gaining too slowly. Part of the problem, I think, is that they have most of the folks both interested in a phone like this and willing to gamble on crowdfunding. I'm skeptical that they have a real working prototype-- more of a design concept, based on their continued lack of showing someone really using it. The new slick video of computer renders set to pop music doesn't instill confidence. They even sent out a secret perk to wait listers (keeps the price at $325) that has only resulted in 30 out of 50 taken. And then there's the "Founders edition" where you pa
    1 point
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