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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2024 in Posts

  1. Rubber band worked for me! I had a power meter attached. During the process, there was a 150mA pulse approximately once every 10 seconds while the power button was depressed. After about 5 hours, the LED turned into a fast blinking red light, and charging rate increased to 500mA. When I saw this, I removed the rubber band. A short time later, the screen turned on, Android booted and charging rate went up to 2000mA.
    4 points
  2. Long road, but just received mine yesterday! Battery is not charging but will work on the fix when I get home from work. Glad to see it come through!
    3 points
  3. I found another Way After plug-in to the supply, the Device consumed power after around 1 second, for around 0.8 seconds. So i connected a Switchable Supply, and made power-cycles of 2s on and 2s off. After approximatly 800 cycles it consumed more power, then it was able to charge the battery the regular way.
    3 points
  4. Interesting and faster method! 👍 Though the fewest will have the needed Switchable Supply to do it this way, it could be interesting for FxTec for devices they got in for service. So let me tag @Erik and @Casey so they can forward it to the right persons.
    2 points
  5. Thomas Bonde Pedersen has at IGG posted a fix for the not charging Pro1! ADD: This has been confirmed to work by other users! Please try it, before disassembly (or send in for service)
    1 point
  6. Very sorry to hear that. By now, you'd think the gods of fair play would've given you a working phone you actually wanted.
    1 point
  7. Hello, one more confirmation that this method is working! I received my long-waited Pro1X a couple of days ago. After unpacking, I noticed that the device didn't boot up or take charge. I was wondering whether to disassemble the phone to access the battery, or perhaps try to kick some charge in by plugging/unplugging a magnetic cable (probably a thousand times...) But luckily I found this thread. I wrapped the phone in its original packaging bag, squeezed its body (and the power button) with a long twist tie, and left it plugged to its own charger for the night. I can say
    1 point
  8. We seem to have confirmation from someone else in Discord. The Pro1x is just kinky and needs to be tied up to get it's juices flowing.
    1 point
  9. Interesting. He is basically causing a looping "Battery pull" reboot, so it seems that there is some low level part of that which briefly draws power without needing the usual processes that require being able to fully boot. I've always said the "battery pull" reboot was very useful for a wonky behavior on a phone, but I had no idea. ;-) Hope we can get a record of this working for someone else for verification.
    1 point
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