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jakfish last won the day on March 25

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About jakfish

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    Pro¹X (Stock)

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  1. Very sorry to hear that. By now, you'd think the gods of fair play would've given you a working phone you actually wanted.
  2. Wow! What promise. A silly question: with the power button fully engaged overnight, am I to assume that the phone is connected to a power source and charging throughout?
  3. Your breakthrough is amazing. I had given up the Pro1x as a phone long ago, and simply use it as a computer. But now... Thank you for your post and please post back should you discover more.
  4. Yeah, I've been watching this, too. It's always good news from Minimal; I'm surprised they aren't just giving away the phones, it's all so generous. If it's a scam, it's an interesting one. Promise upon promise, even after the money is safely somewhere else...
  5. Interesting Minimal update. They have ostensibly, theoretically revamped the entire phone. The changes are too numerous to list here and the changes have angered some backers ("Give me back my money"), but I'm intrigued by the end result, if it happens. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-minimal-phone-first-e-ink-qwerty-phone?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0Gog81m2pmAu5UUGZnnVEgkCnsJK290YNBNLpBgKvyKeR3cDz-lCRwfoaAn9wEALw_wcB#/updates/13
  6. Minimal developers (which may prove to be the ultimate appellation for this project) announced they were meeting with Chinese factories on April 12, but have posted no further progress, other than the hiring of tech honcho Simon Brooks, who appears to be a living person, always good. I'd be interested in reading their discord subforum, but apparently, one needs an invite. Is there any way to lurk uninvited in Discord?
  7. Are they available on wayback? Edit: nm. @EskeRahn already suggested such in original post.
  8. Even in my mind, I can't type that fast.
  9. Usually, foreigners vying in someone else's backyard is a playbook for difficulty. Certainly, Planet Computer would agree. Mr. Chen may be native Chinese, I don't know, but the company is based in England, just like Planet, and all that back-and-forth to another country is expensive and can result in industrial obfuscation (I often wondered if anyone at Planet spoke Chinese). Planet also failed because they changed their form factor with every iteration, so the phone was always beta. At least, fxtec tried to improve their original model rather than constantly reinventing the wheel.
  10. What great work. My own fishing line has stayed within its original length, no noticeable stretching. Over at hpcfactor.com, there's a similar exploration: https://www.hpcfactor.com/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=21351&posts=13 Jake
  11. This is so much fun to watch unfold (so to speak). Thanks for keeping the forum posted.
  12. My Minimal is coming with a 2024 Cadillac Seville. After years of Hondas, it'll be good to drive American again. Seriously, though, I'm glad they made and I'll be watching their progress throughout.
  13. I just returned from their Update section: backers are now getting doubled storage (256gb) and a wireless charger. Next up: the phone comes with a built-in icemaker and world peace 🙂
  14. I've been following this as well, and I'm almost positive that, if needed, the developers are going to pony up some of their own money, under the guise of new backers, to make the $500Kusd. It would have a certain Machiavellian sense. I went back and forth about buying a perk, but as @Hook says, there are mounting questions and fewer answers. But I hope the endeavor is legit and should it come to actual fruition, I'd probably buy retail.
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