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mv last won the day on May 24 2020

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  1. Long road, but just received mine yesterday! Battery is not charging but will work on the fix when I get home from work. Glad to see it come through!
  2. Oh I see, that is for fxtec site orders and not indiegogo contribution number
  3. Still waiting #2*** January 22, 2021 I guess still processing, but not sure where people see that status
  4. Please stop. You made your points, there are people here who invested in this project knowing that, you are doing a disservice to the intent of the project and to those that have supported this from the start, many of us have the Pro1 or supported it since then and see this is a project worth backing. You approach amounts to not achieving anything if whomever you are advocating for put money in through IGG then they need to read what that actually means. I have had my pro1 serviced and supported and I myself support the group even though the Pro1 is not my daily driver. But many of u
  5. I get that people are doing the orders and it seems there is likely success. The question that i have that maybe it was answered, but not seeing it hear are we just taking our own stock if we make these orders. I probably would not have an issue with having two devices, though I want to make sure the backing of IGG comes through and feel this might undermne that backing. I am not in any immediate rush but rather concerned that we might end up biting our own investment in the IGG campaign.
  6. So this happened to my back key, when I lifted the keyboard out I noticed that the back key area had a crack or break that lead to going dead. I did not actually check with FXtec if it would be covered under the warranty, so i think it might be good to see if the white pad under the keys shows any wear and tear. But that only happened with the back key for me, no other keys were impacted.
  7. Prior to my screen failing i was using mine on T-mobile (mint uses that) without issue after having switched from AT&T which gave major issues.
  8. Yep same, got the confirmation too. Looking forward to it!
  9. I would say this, with the pro1 I find i dont need to bring my laptop with me anymore and only keep the laptop to be able to work from different rooms at home. The pro1 for me when traveling meets the minimum of what i need, in terms of maintaining ssh access if necessary, or emails and docs. I keep jumping between the idea of having a separate phone for phone pursposes since I might be in the middle of something on the phone and need to take a call and sometimes it distracts from the work. But then I realize that headphones or bluetooth ear pieces suffice and allow me to keep working while on
  10. From MintMobile compatibility site with my Pro1 IMEI. So the Pro1x seems very promising
  11. I personally cannot say yes to that but when I got the new sim, the AT&T rep put it into his phone to make sure it worked, so I presume it did. But with the Sony Xperia 10 which is supposedly supported by AT&T also did not get activated and the rep insisted that device is not supported.
  12. This causes me to ask, when Nokia was the powerhouse in the 2000s they had supply chains around the world on phone production, right? I recall phones manufactured in the region they would be consumed, i.e. i thought if I recall phones made in almost each continent, is that correct?
  13. I did and there was no way to get it back, they insisted on chat, in the store and on chat again that the device was only 3G it was a useless battle to convince them otherwise despite sending them the spec sheet numerous times. I had no ability to make voice calls for over a week and when they swapped the sim card for a new one i then lost data too and they said I would lose texting after.
  14. successfully moved to t-mobile and have a functioning device again. Only odd thing is tmobile's site correctly identifies my device by imei but when logged into my account it says my device is an iphone x. Also T-mobile and wifi-calling works on LineageOS where as it did not on ATT.
  15. Yep, in fact that is when I lost Data and they have insisted the phone will not be supported, it will take going to high level tech support to get them to consider it, at least that is what the person in the ATT store said to me.
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