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  1. So reverting to a previous nightly, will probably require a wipe?
  2. always had the Odd Solutions one
  3. According to "npjohnson" on XDA "working on it, th official has the same issue".
  4. Yeah its the Odd Solutions build with Google Apps/Pixel goodies included. guess it's my bad luck then.
  5. Just had an update come through, dated 23 June. Now there is something up with the camera. Torch wont work, says camera in use. Open camera says another app is using the camera. Disabling the Camera app made no difference.
  6. ---Moved from other thread--- Had this on for 2 days now, First thing I noticed compared to 20, is better signal, I live just out of Christchurch, NZ. and I am seeing an extra bar, and it is not losing signal completely, in the places it was before. And I think due to the above the battery life is about 50% better. All in all WOW.
  7. sorry, I see I posted in the wrong thread, I have a Pro1 not an x, Doh.
  8. Actually, had to go to a different PC, before it would work properly, now on 20, only cannot make or receive calls, data/sms are working. working now
  9. Yup, tried 5 different USB cables and the last one worked...thanks
  10. I guess My question is about fastboot. as I'm not close to flashing yet, seems to me the instructions Linked, are the same for everyone, just not sure why I get the error. "Fastboot devices" sees the phone, debugging is on, it's in Boot loader mode... thanks.
  11. Hi, I just started to setup for install of LOS 20 with these instructions: "https://wiki.oddsolutions.us/devices/pro1/install" When I enter "fastboot oem enable-charger-screen" I get "FAILED (remote: unknown command)". Phone is on stock at the moment.
  12. Yup the Camera connector had come off, I had dropped the phone, it must have landed just right. its the one indicated with the arrow, there is another connector just below and to the right in the photo, once I disconnected that, the Camera connector popped up from the board. But it looks a bit askew in the close up photos.
  13. Hi, just considering taking my pro1 apart, the main camera has stopped working (just shows black) then the app exits. I cannot see A connector in the Teardown photos, is it possible it could have come loose?
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